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New Filter Tickets Design


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This may sound nitpicky, but we're in the support tickets section all day ... having to choose a drop down and then click filter is a couple more steps than we'd like to get to say "all active tickets" ... whereas older version was simple a single link for each status type ... just sayin' seems like a step backwards ... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can revert to the old style by playing around with the templates, open up the file /admin/templates/*template_name*/sidebar.tpl


And remove the following code from line 164 - 197:


<form method="post" action="supporttickets.php">
<span class="ticketheader">{$_ADMINLANG.fields.status}</span>
<div class="ticketinfo">
<select name="view">
   <option value="any">- Any -</option>
   <option value=""{if $ticketfilterdata.view eq ""} selected{/if}>{$_ADMINLANG.support.awaitingreply} ({$ticketsawaitingreply})</option>
   <option value="flagged"{if $ticketfilterdata.view eq "flagged"} selected{/if}>{$_ADMINLANG.support.flagged} ({$ticketsflagged})</option>
   <option value="active"{if $ticketfilterdata.view eq "active"} selected{/if}>{$_ADMINLANG.support.allactive} ({$ticketsallactive})</option>
{foreach from=$ticketstatuses item=status}
   <option value="{$status.title}"{if $status.title eq $ticketfilterdata.view} selected{/if}>{$status.title} ({$status.count})</option>
<span class="ticketheader">{$_ADMINLANG.support.department}</span>
<div class="ticketinfo">
<select name="deptid">
   <option value="">- Any -</option>
{foreach from=$ticketdepts item=dept}
   <option value="{$dept.id}"{if $dept.id eq $ticketfilterdata.deptid} selected{/if}>{$dept.name}</option>
<span class="ticketheader">{$_ADMINLANG.support.subjectmessage}</span>
<div class="ticketinfo">
<input type="text" name="subject" value="{$ticketfilterdata.subject}" />
<span class="ticketheader">{$_ADMINLANG.fields.email}</span>
<div class="ticketinfo">
<input type="text" name="email" value="{$ticketfilterdata.email}" />
<div class="ticketinfo" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
<input type="submit" value="Filter »" />


And replace it with this:


- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=active">All Active Tickets ({$ticketsallactive})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=Open">Open ({$ticketcounts[0].count})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=Answered">Answered ({$ticketcounts[1].count})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=Customer-Reply">Customer Reply ({$ticketcounts[2].count})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=On%20Hold">On Hold ({$ticketcounts[3].count})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=In%20Progress">In Progress ({$ticketcounts[4].count})</a><br />
- <a href="supporttickets.php?view=Closed">Closed ({$ticketcounts[5].count})</a><br />

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, I may try this. My closed aren't all there anymore either; so maybe this will take care of that as well.


You can revert to the old style by playing around with the templates, open up the file /admin/templates/*template_name*/sidebar.tpl

And remove the following code from line 164 - 197:

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There is still the pop-out menu at the top of the page where you can go to Support > Tickets > All Active for accessing this without using the filter options. But the default view is and always has been the Awaiting-Reply tickets, and this is where all the direct links go to (such as the ticket count/quick shortcuts in the header/sidebar). If you prefer the All Active list, a template change would be the way to go.


The cool thing about the new filter options in the sidebar is that you can jump straight to a search from anywhere within the ticket system, even when viewing a ticket, and it remembers and returns you to your last filter, which will hopefully save you even more time and clicks. I know it does for me.



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