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How can I show a list of open support tickets on other template pages?


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I am really frustrated trying to figure out how to combine 2 templates in my theme into one. I want to put the list of support tickets found on supportticketslist.tpl at the bottom of the page of supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl.


When I copy the content of supportticketslist.tpl and paste it into supportticketsubmit-stepone.tpl, almost all the code displays fine. However, the list of tickets is not there. Instead it says "No Records Found" even though there are tickets available! So I think the atabase is not being queried correctly when I remove code from supportticketslist.tpl and place it elsewhere, correct?


Is there something I am missing that I should wrap around this code to make it work?

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  • 1 year later...

But why there's this then?


How to define template variables ($ca->assign)

And how to set the template to use and then output it


There's no way to use something like $ca->assign('ticket', $ticket); then output it? (Tried this, didn't work. Maybe something similar?)



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Are you trying to add $ca->assign('ticket', $ticket); inside the .tpl file? This piece of code is not Smarty, it's PHP in OOP. You should use {php}{/php} tag but i'm not sure of what you are trying to do with this. Can you please post the code that you are using now?

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$ca = new WHMCS_ClientArea();




$ca->requireLogin(); // Uncomment this line to require a login to access this page







<div class="table_title opentickets" style="margin-top:20px;">
 <span class="icon"></span>
 <a class="btn btn-primary pull-right" href="submitticket.php">{$LANG.opennewticket}</a>
 <h3><strong>{$clientsstats.numactivetickets}</strong>  {$LANG.supportticketsopentickets}</h3>
<table class="table table-striped table-framed table-centered no-more-tables">
     <th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=date">{$LANG.supportticketsdate}</a></th>
     <th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=dept">{$LANG.supportticketsdepartment}</a></th>
     <th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=subject">{$LANG.supportticketssubject}</a></th>
     <th><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=subject">{$LANG.supportticketsstatus}</a></th>
     <th class="headerSortdesc"><a href="supporttickets.php?orderby=lastreply">{$LANG.supportticketsticketlastupdated}</a></th>
 {foreach from=$tickets item=ticket}
     <td data-title="{$LANG.supportticketsdate}">{$ticket.date}</td>
     <td data-title="{$LANG.supportticketsdepartment}">{$ticket.department}</td>
     <td data-title="{$LANG.supportticketssubject}"><div align="left"><img src="images/article.gif" alt="Ticket" border="0" /> <a href="viewticket.php?tid={$ticket.tid}&c={$ticket.c}">{if $ticket.unread}<strong>{/if}#{$ticket.tid} - {$ticket.subject}{if $ticket.unread}</strong>{/if}</a></div></td>
     <td data-title="{$LANG.supportticketsstatus}">{$ticket.status}</td>
     <td data-title="{$LANG.supportticketsticketlastupdated}">{$ticket.lastreply}</td>
     <td class="last textcenter"><a href="viewticket.php?tid={$ticket.tid}&c={$ticket.c}" class="btn btn-inverse">{$LANG.supportticketsviewticket}</a></td>
     <td colspan="6" class="textcenter">{$LANG.supportticketsnoneopen}</td>



Untitled-1 (1).jpg

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It doesn't work because you are trying to load a non-existing variable. When you reference to {$ticket.subject} inside your open-tickets.tpl, Smarty will try to get this variable from open-tickets.php. Here i can see that there's just the framework and nothing more. Take a look at this example and read comments.





$ca = new WHMCS_ClientArea();

// I don't know the values that you are trying to get from database so change this query accordingly
$result = mysql_query("SELECT name, lastname FROM clients WHERE clientid='1'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result); # Let's say that $row["name"] is equal to "James" and $row["lastname"] is "Bond"

// If the result is not empty i create 'name' and 'lastname' Smarty value
$ca->assign('name', $row["name"]); # {$name} contains "James"
$ca->assign('lastname', $row["lastname"]); # {$lastname} contains "Bond"






<p>Hey baby... i'm {$name}, {$name} {$lastname}</p>


It prints out "Hey baby... i'm James, James Bond". Now 3 notes about this script:


  1. First of all the MySQL API (aka library). In my example i was using MySQL library just because it's faster to write :-P You should use PDO (Prepared Statements) or MySQLi because of this reason. You could also use SQL_Helper_Functions of WHMCS but they're not confortable to use.
  2. About arrays. In the example i assigned two separate values ({$name} and {$lastname}) but you can still use arrays. With $ca->assign('clientdetails', $row) for example you can print "James" with {$clientdetails.name} and "Bond" with {$clientdetails.lastname}. I hope that it's clear enough.
  3. Of course you can use while(); foreach(); (...) loops and $ca->assign(); inside the iteration.


I know that this argument could be tricky especially if you are not a developer but if you are it's easy.

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