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can anyone tell me how to align the products table in products.tpl?


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It looks like my post disappeared so I am reposting.




I would like to center the products table in my comparison/products.tpl file.


I have tried many things but no luck. The problem of course is that I am not a programmer and I am shooting in the dark. Here is the last thing that I tried:



I added: <td align="center"> randomly where I though the table started and then added </td> where it looks like it ended at the end of the document, but unfortunately no luck.


Can anyone tell me how to center??


Thanks a MILLION!







<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jscript/jqueryui.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/js/main.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/style.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/uistyle.css" />


<td align="center"><div id="order-comparison">




<div class="cartcats">

{foreach key=num item=productgroup from=$productgroups}

{if $gid eq $productgroup.gid}

{$productgroup.name} |


<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid={$productgroup.gid}">{$productgroup.name}</a> |



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Putting random TD start tags within the code won't fix that. For a table cell to do anything, it needs to be inside a table and a row, as well as having the proper opening and closing tags...but this design isn't done with tables. It's done with CSS (cascading style sheets). To center with divs requires a bit of effort, such as having it in a container that has a width defined, then telling it to use margins to center.

Big fun if you don't know CSS. ;)


Some Google goodness.

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this should work this is what i did.


open root/templates/orderform/comparison/style.css and find this



#order-comparison .prodtablecol {
   float: left;
   width: 20%; 
   font-size: 14px;
   text-align: center;



change it to this



#order-comparison .prodtablecol {
   float: left;
   width: 33%; /* was 20 - changes width of colums in package display on order menu */
   font-size: 14px;
   text-align: center;


i just changed it to 33% to split the space up for three products.


let me know if that works for ya.

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Hi Bear and Durangod,


Thanks both of you for your quick and kind messages.


I tried putting in these two pieces of code based on both of your help, but I couldnt align in the center yet. I am guessing that I have put both tries in the wrong place in the product.ptl page. Should i place the code somewhere else in the page, or am I missing something else?


I really appreciate your help.


Best regards,







<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jscript/jqueryui.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/js/main.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/style.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/uistyle.css" />


#order-comparison .prodtablecol {

float: left;

width: 33%;

font-size: 14px;

text-align: center;



<div id="order-comparison">




<div class="cartcats">

{foreach key=num item=productgroup from=$productgroups}

{if $gid eq $productgroup.gid}

{$productgroup.name} |


<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid={$productgroup.gid}">{$productgroup.name}</a> |



{if $loggedin}

<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid=addons">{$LANG.cartproductaddons}</a> |

{if $renewalsenabled}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?gid=renewals">{$LANG.domainrenewals}</a> | {/if}


{if $registerdomainenabled}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=add&domain=register">{$LANG.registerdomain}</a> | {/if}

{if $transferdomainenabled}<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=add&domain=transfer">{$LANG.transferdomain}</a> | {/if}

<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?a=view">{$LANG.viewcart}</a>







<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/jscript/jqueryui.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/js/main.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/style.css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="templates/orderforms/{$carttpl}/uistyle.css" />










<div id="order-comparison">




<div class="cartcats">

{foreach key=num item=productgroup

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lol you can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink lol. Sorry xex just picking on ya lol.. Hope you get it fixed, what i said should work perfect yes if you open the style sheet as i said and not the page.


Let us know im sure we can help you further if need be. And forgive my sense of humor jut picken lol


open root/templates/orderform/comparison/style.css and find this
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Man, I knew I could be slow, but... I just realized that I didn't read your post very carefully. I plead exhaustion. Really, I just got back from two days of mountain hiking! I swear!


Anyway, after you reposted the line that tells me exactly what to do it no uncertain terms, I starting shrinking into my skin.


Of course it worked immediately.


Thanks... sorry... duh...


Anyway, I REALLY appreciate both your guys's help and BTW, I actually appreciate your humor durangod, sometimes you have to dunk my head under the water... I admit it. But I eventually drink.








Edited by bear
removed offer
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