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Ticket Office Hours Auto-reply Hook


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Hey guys!


Been working for the past half hour or so on an auto-response hook for tickets. Basically this hook checks an array of your business hours and days, and compares them to the current time. If a customer has opened a ticket or replied to a ticket (optional) outside of your business hours, it will auto respond to them with a message of your choice.


No fancy UI, but I don't need one.


Here's the code...

$salesmessage = <<<EOT

Thank you for your interest in Hostaka. Unfortunately our sales hours are Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM EST/EDT.

We may get to your ticket before then, but if not, you will get a reply as soon as we're back in the office.

If this is a support related matter, please open your ticket in the support department, or use support@hostaka.com.

Thank you,
Hostaka Staff
$billingmessage = <<<EOT

Our billing hours are Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM EST/EDT.

We may get to your ticket before then, but if not, you will get a reply as soon as we're back in the office.

If this is a support related matter, please open your ticket in the support department, or use support@hostaka.com.

Thank you,
Hostaka Staff
$config = array(
'Sales' => array( // The key needs to be the name of the department, caps matter
	'opendays' => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), // 1 is Monday, 7 is Sunday
	'openhour' => 9, // What hour do you open (24 hour format)
	'closehour' => 17, // What hour do you close (24 hour format)
	'message' => $salesmessage, // I am lazy and wanted it to look pretty so I made another var with the message
	'username' => 'Sales Department', // Not sure if this does much really
	'adminusername' => '', // This needs to be the username of an admin user
	'status' => 'Open' // Status of the ticket once it's responded to
'Billing' => array( // The key needs to be the name of the department, caps matter
	'opendays' => array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), // 1 is Monday, 7 is Sunday
	'openhour' => 9, // What hour do you open (24 hour format)
	'closehour' => 17, // What hour do you close (24 hour format)
	'message' => $billingmessage, // I am lazy and wanted it to look pretty so I made another var with the message
	'username' => 'Billing Department', // Not sure if this does much really
	'adminusername' => '', // This needs to be the username of an admin user
	'status' => 'Open' // Status of the ticket once it's responded to
function department_hours($vars) {
global $config;
$hour = date('G');
if(array_key_exists($vars['deptname'], $config)) {
	$v = $config[$vars['deptname']];
	if(!in_array(date('N'), $v['opendays']) || $hour < $v['openhour'] || $hour >= $v['closehour']) {
		$command = 'addticketreply';
		$values = array('ticketid' => $vars['ticketid'], 'message' => $v['message'], 'adminusername' => $v['username'], 'status' => $v['status']);
		$results = localAPI($command, $values, $v['adminusername']);
		if ($results['result']!="success") logActivity("An Error Occurred: ".$results['result']);
add_hook("TicketUserReply",1,"department_hours"); // Comment this line if you only want responses on new tickets

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  • 4 weeks later...

just to let everyone know, i think this is a great idea hostaka. so good infact ive wrapped it up into a little module which makes it easier to do for the less technically minded people.


ive also added to it with the ability to provide a warning on the ticket open page (all customisable of course) when out of hours.


check it out here:



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