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Old products appearing on customer invoices

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We're currently in the process of testing our WHMCS installation ready to go live. Everything's fine, except for one rather strange issue.


A customer is able to place an order for a single product, but when the customer invoice is sent through, a number of other products are placed on the invoice. By the dates underneath the products, these appear to be from old test orders from around a month ago. It's always the same set of three products, they aren't random.


When the invoice is "paid" (we're still in test mode) the customer has only the product they ordered on their account. The only issue is with the rogue products appearing on the invoice.


In effect, the customer is being billed for a product they didn't order, and aren't going to receive. I managed to remove one of them by deleting the product itself, and re-adding it manually. However, I can't do this with the other two, as they're in use by clients (we've already input our client database into WHMCS).


Is there any way of clearing out these products so they don't appear on customer bills?


Many thanks in advance :)

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  • WHMCS Support Manager


This sounds like you've moved the Setup > General Settings > Invoices tab > Invoice Starting # back to an invoice number which has already been used in your system. The invoice ID must always be unique, even if you've deleted the original invoice.

If you try and generate a new invoice with the same ID as a previous invoice you'll see this behaviour.

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Many thanks, John.


I'd already "hacked" my way out of the problem by deleting the contents of tblinvoiceitems in the database, but now I know what the underlying problem was, I can avoid it in future. When we go live, I'll likely set invoices to start at #1000 to ensure we're in clean territory.


Thanks for your help.

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