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Authorize.net CIM testing - CC keeps declining.. how do you test??


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I'm trying to test to make sure whmcs will do everything correctly when an order is placed, but the credit card keeps declining.


My Authorize.net is in test mode

I have CIM

my settings inside WHMCS for gateway are:


Login ID: entered the ID I got from Authorize

Transaction Key: entered key I got from Authorize

Validation Mode: none

Test Mode: not checked since Authorize.net is in test mode


I've tried with test mode checked and unchecked

I've tried validation mode as none and live


everything is declining.

I've tried the fake credit card numbers in the whmcs documentation

I've tried real credit cards.


What am I doing wrong? How do i get the system to accept a fake payment so I can see if whmcs will create cpanel, do invoices correctly, etc..

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  laszlof said:
Did you check your gateway log to see why they are being declined?


Did you check the transaction log in authorize.net to see if there are any errors?


I see this:


Invoice ID => 1207
User ID => 9
Amount => 99.00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><messages><resultCode>Error</resultCode><message><code>E00009</code><text>The payment gateway account is in Test Mode. The request cannot be processed.</text></message></messages></createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse>


Is there not a way to get a "success" when authorize.net is in test mode? Seems like it halts the system from going further which doesn't help when trying to see if things are being set up correctly.


I see the transactions in Authorize.net CIM but there are no details...

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I put whmcs in test mode and am still getting: •The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact support. error in the shopping cart...


It is creating the client in whmcs list. So I went in and clicked "Create" and got this error:

Module Command Error - Sorry, that's an invalid domain


i used for domain:






same error on all...

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i figured out the Moduel Command Error... i wasnt saving the info before I clicked "create"


but the problem with credit cards in the shopping cart is still there... no matter what I do I get:


The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact support.
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Validation mode is used to validate the credit card prior to importing it into the customer information manager in authnet. if you have it set to none, it will not do any type of validation. This is probably the best method. If you set it to live, it will do a minimal authorization on the card to verify that it is real. This authorization can range from a few cents to a few dollars.

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Jeez... WHMCS "phone support" I guess isn't "phone support" ... They only respond with emails once a day with very non-detailed responses. The last email said:

With test mode activated you should use valid credit card details, the payment will look like it's been processed successfully but will not actually be charged.

The test card details are generic details that will be accepted by WHMCS for testing, but it's Authorize.net that are rejecting them, so if you don't have a valid card as described above contact Authorize.net for the test card details their system will accept.


But I've told them I used my personal credit cards... everything I enter into the shopping cart returns the error:


The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact support.

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In the Gateway log there are 2 errors over and over:


Invoice ID => 1209

User ID => 11

Amount => 99.00

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><messages><resultCode>Error</resultCode><message><code>E00009</code><text>The payment gateway account is in Test Mode. The request cannot be processed.</text></message></messages></createCustomerProfileTransactionResponse>




XMLData => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><createCustomerProfileResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><messages><resultCode>Error</resultCode><message><code>E00007</code><text>User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values.</text></message></messages></createCustomerProfileResponse>


I'm using Authorize.net CIM... The CIM shows the profiles but no actual transaction attempts through the gateway...

Edited by lahatte
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It looks like WHMCS Authorize.net CIM module does not auto charge a card? It only creates the CIM but does not charge the credit card?


I tried normal Authorize.net mode and can see the failed transaction inside of Authorize.net... but when I use CIM it only creates the profile and there is no record of a failed charge.


I'm at a loss....

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Figured it out... apparently nothing will work, even in test mode, unless you use a real credit card and do an actual real transaction. I created a product for $1 and ran it through... it worked fine...


So if anyone else has this issue. Do a $1 transaction with a real credit card and real info...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having a similar issue with Authorize.net CIM. It does not seem to be connecting up to the Authorize.net system at all.


My current settings for Authorize.net are as such...


Validation mode : none

Test Mode: False


My settings in authorize.net are currently in live mode, and I am attempting to do a checkout on the Client page.


The current Billing Gateway Log displays as such


Invoice ID => 426

User ID => 60

Amount => 1.00

No Client Profile ID Found


The clients were migrated from another WHMCS system, and they were all checking out with Paypal, and not CIM.


The system seems to think that there are already CIM's created for all of the users in my WHMCS, and I was under the impression that when someone makes an order, it queries Authorize.net for a CIM profile, and if none exists, it creates one.


I have an SSL cert, so am note sure what the issue could be.

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Check to see if the gatewayid field is populated in the database. The authnet CIM module checks for that field's data before creating a profile. If something exists there, it attempts to use the details there to charge the card on file with CIM.


Heres the applicable SQL query to check it:


SELECT gatewayid FROM tblclients WHERE id=60;

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I figured it out. I had glossed over this information on the Authorized.net CIM page


Contrary to what you might think, you should not tick the setting to "Disable Credit Card Storage" in Setup > General Settings > Security as that will disable entry by a client.


It must be enabled to show the credit card payment form and allow clients to update their card details, but the fact you are using the Authorize.net CIM module will prevent the details being stored locally in WHMCS and instead store them only on the remote system.


After disabling the checkbox, it worked perfectly.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't have this feature checked and I am still getting the error:


The credit card details you entered were declined. Please try a different card or contact support.


I've entered the correct API Login and Transaction Key.


I've tried test cards and real cards and nothing is working for me.


I can see where the transactions are being declined in Authorize.net but can't get one approved.:?


If anyone can help with this, please shed some light on what I may be doing wrong.




  xrampage16 said:
I figured it out. I had glossed over this information on the Authorized.net CIM page


Contrary to what you might think, you should not tick the setting to "Disable Credit Card Storage" in Setup > General Settings > Security as that will disable entry by a client.


It must be enabled to show the credit card payment form and allow clients to update their card details, but the fact you are using the Authorize.net CIM module will prevent the details being stored locally in WHMCS and instead store them only on the remote system.


After disabling the checkbox, it worked perfectly.

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  • 6 months later...
  xrampage16 said:
I figured it out. I had glossed over this information on the Authorized.net CIM page


Contrary to what you might think, you should not tick the setting to "Disable Credit Card Storage" in Setup > General Settings > Security as that will disable entry by a client.


It must be enabled to show the credit card payment form and allow clients to update their card details, but the fact you are using the Authorize.net CIM module will prevent the details being stored locally in WHMCS and instead store them only on the remote system.


After disabling the checkbox, it worked perfectly.


You ROCK xrampage16! Thank you. That is absolutely contrary to what I thought. I would have never figured that out. This should be documented somewhere for sure. Everything works great for me now.

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