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Good day,


Looking for a DNS Management feature where the client domain DNS zone is managed on my cPanel server through WHMCS client area, a procees flow will look like this:


1. Client goto http://www.domain.com

2. Client order new domain registration or transfer

3. Upon checkout the WHMCS Hook is activated: (AfterRegistrarRegistration & AfterRegistrarTransfer) -> more info at http://docs.whmcs.com/Hooks:Products/Services#AfterRegistrarRegistration


I guess this is where the cPanel API comes in


4. Using the cPanel API -> Add a DNS Zone (adddns) for the domain registered or transferred above

5. When the client logs into the client area for WHMCS there is a DNS Management section for a specific domain where he can add, edit or delete zone records using the functions at http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/SoftwareDevelopmentKit/XmlApi#DNS%20functions



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We've had a few users contact us quoting this thread and asking for our position on it. So to clarify for the benefit of everyone, our position is that cPanel DNS Management functionality is something we have worked on for numerous companies in the past, but as custom development work. And so right now our hands are tied and we can't release anything publically for at least the next few months. But it is definately possible, and some solutions do already exist for it.



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At some point, the client just HAS to actually start visiting the CP x3 interface, IMHO. CP includes a basic and advanced DNS editor on the CP x3 side. I'd rather see more love paid to the enomssl module =) There's so much more that could be sold with it. Consider taking sponsorships?


Community add-on's could show the estimated cost with a thermometer showing how close sponsorship funds have met the goal to develop it?


How much longer will it take to develop microformats, dublin meta-tags, advanced meta-tags, separate page per product with either silverlight or shadowbox image displays. With microformats that follow google and OGP for both product and reviews.

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