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All accounts deleted off of server after import


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Hello everyone, this is my first time here as I have been a clientexec user for sometime and just got fed up with it and made the change to WHMCS. at any rate. I had WHMCS installed for me by the hosting company and I went thru and did all of the setup like the videos showed and I imported the whm accounts I have into WHMCS except for 3 personal domains. So I went to bed and when I woke this morning, all of the imported accounts are terminated and deleted from the server all together. I am a reseller of hosting so those are my clients accounts and they are now all gone from whm and the server. So I wanted to ask if anyone could tell me specifically what went wrong and how to avoid it once I have the backups restored? Thanks.

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it sounds like you have auto-termination enabled (which it a VERY VERY BAD IDEA) and your next renewal dates were sometime in the past. Before you set any automation, like suspend / terminate / invoice / etc, you should have at least plaid around with WHMCS a bit first to see how it handles everything

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