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activity log email error


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Noticed this error in the activity log when someone placed a new order. I checked the order confirmation email template and the body is not empty.


Sending Failed - Message body empty


19/04/2011 11:24

Email Sending Failed - Message body empty (User ID: 56 - Subject: Order Confirmation)


19/04/2011 11:24

Smarty Error: [in emailtpl:emailmessage line 23]: syntax error: unclosed tag \{if} (opened line 20). (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 317)


19/04/2011 11:24

Email Sent to Jason (Customer Invoice)


19/04/2011 11:24

Created Invoice - Invoice ID: 5287


19/04/2011 11:24

New Order Placed - Order ID: 84 - User ID: 56


19/04/2011 11:24

Email Sent to Jason (Welcome)


19/04/2011 11:24

Created Client Jason - User ID: 56


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Did you customise the order confirmation email? The smarty error suggests that something isn't nested correctly.


The body empty message is a result of the order confirmation email not being generated correctly (i.e merged with the client's details) so by the time it's passed of to the mailer it's actually empty.

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Here is the order confirmation email, maybe you can check it over to see if i goofed, dont think i did:


Dear {$client_name},



We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. Because of security we choose to process all orders manually. This of course delays your setup but protects everyone in the interest of security. The details of the order are below:



Order Number: {$order_number}






You will receive an email from us shortly once your account has been setup. Please quote your order reference number if you wish to contact us about this order.



If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the nameservers to point to the nameservers listed below.



Nameserver 1: {$service_ns1} ({$service_ns1_ip})

Nameserver 2: {$service_ns2} ({$service_ns2_ip}){if $service_ns3}






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The text you posted tells you the error. You need to remove the unclosed "if".


Smarty Error: [in emailtpl:emailmessage line 23]: syntax error: unclosed tag \{if} (opened line 20). (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 317)


Nameserver 2: {$service_ns2} ({$service_ns2_ip}){if $service_ns3}

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Our default template reads

Dear {$client_name},

We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below:

Order Number: {$order_number}


You will receive an email from us shortly once your account has been setup. Please quote your order reference number if you wish to contact us about this order.


but we've not made any changes to it since the initial install.


You can either remove {if $service_ns3} or add the closing if tag. If you're using 3 or 4 nameservers you'll want to add an if for the fourth as well.

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