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Clients vs Contacts and multiple offices


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I'm sure I must be either missing something or I'm just going about it the wrong way but how can I disable emails to the main client /account holder?


typically when we sign up a new client we list either the director or accounts/admin as the account holder but its usually other people in the office who actually use the system and submit tickets etc. I know I can limit what emails users get but how do I stop the account holder from receiving every ticket and order thats submitted?


All I want the account holder to get are the invoices.


Hope all that makes sence.

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So as a workaround would there be any issues if when we setup the clients account we used their company name as the name and created an email address that is used every time we create a new account and then create sub accounts for each user with different permissions?




Accounts: General, Invoices

User 1: Support, Domain, Product

User 2: Support, Domain, Product


That way all the emails would just go to one of our internal accounts and we can control which user gets what.

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