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Nominet Module


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Is there a step by step guide to setting up the Nominet module. I have tried for age but can’t seem to get it to work. :cry:


All I get is:

Registrar Error

Error: Connecting to ssl://epp.nominet.org.uk on port 700.

The error message was '' (code 0)


Now I don’t know what code 0 is or even where it comes from (Nominet / WHMCS / my server?) so I have very little idea on what to do now.


Does anyone have any suggestions as either what to do or what Code 0 is and how I can fix it?


Here is what I did to set up the Nominet module


Set-Up > Domain Registrars > Nominet


The only asks for two pieces of information:

  • Username
  • Password.


Now, my Nominet username to login to the Nominet system is an email address, so it could be made a little clearer that what WHMCS expects is the Nominet TAG.

The password is one I set up in the users interface at nominet ( see later).

Saved and moved now to Nominet

At Nominet

Login to Nominet, then find the EPP section.

The location took some hunting down but it’s at Registrars › Summary & Settings › EPP Live

Here is a link: https://secure.nominet.org.uk/tags/epp.html


All you need to do here is enter a password (same as the one you put into WHMCS!) and verify it.

Then you need to enter the IP address of your server (the one where WHMCS is)


On My Server

Check that Port 700 is open on your server and double check that the server IP address was also recorded in the EPP screen at Nominet (see earlier).


If you use the csf - ConfigServer Firewall, then its easy. Just fire up you WHM, get down to the Plugins and find ConfigServer Firewall. Scroll to the Firewall panel and the click Firewall Configuration. Simply type in 700 into the TCP ports entries (separated by a comma).


Any suggestions as to wht to try next would be welcome!



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I can only assume by the deaf silence that no one uses the Nominet module .


I can't get it to work, and its not clear if its a problem at Nominet or with WHMCS as neither WHMCS or Nominet (or anyone else) have stepped up to answer the query.


I usually ask for help here (rather than opening a support ticket) because:

  • It saves the WHMCS staff from havinjg to deal with support tickets and they can concentrate on development for the benefit of all.
  • It allows others to see what the solutions to what may be common problems.


As no one else has appeared to have had trouble I'll open a support ticket .

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Could be, but I don't think so. I double checked the port by closing it off and the error changes to 'could not connect to ssl://epp.nominet.org.uk on port 700.

The server IP is correct.


I am wondering if many people use this module. We have a Nominet TAG but historically we have used other providers for UK names, rather than our own tag.


It seems quite a few reseller do this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We had an issue with the nominet module recently when moving servers for the billing. I can't remember the exact message, but it was similar to the above. Now I now all the firewall and other security was ok , so it was something server specific. I ran a tcpdump and saw the nominet module was trying to communicate over IPv6 , ( my mistake for not disabling it ) , i disabled it, and it all started working fine.


Maybe this helps ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still not managed this and run out of solutions :cry:


The error message suggests that its Nominet that it can't connect to, (not the other way round):


Error: Connecting to ssl://epp.nominet.org.uk on port 700.


I'm not too sure which port I am supposed to open (there seem to be endless entries), but even adding 700 to all of them doesn't work.


I don't know how to turn IPv6 on/off


The WHMCS docs are very slim on information.

For example, they don't mention you have to open port 700 on the server which seems to be a key requirement. http://wiki.whmcs.com/Nominet



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a similar problem with the Nominet module but I have a different error code:


Registrar Error

Error: Connecting to ssl://epp.nominet.org.uk on port 700.

The error message was 'Connection refused' (code 111)


Does anyone have any information on how to solve this problem?

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  • 6 months later...

I'm having the same problem and struggling massively. I *think* it might be something to do with the SSL root certificates but I'm not getting anywhere fast to a resolution.

I upgraded openssl on the server and can now connect via openssl from the command line of the server but it still doesn't work in WHMCS

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I've registered the server IP at Nominet.

The firewall is configured correctly

Telnet will open the connection.

However, if I run the following script:



$sHost = "ssl://epp.nominet.org.uk";

$sPort = 700;

$nError = 0;

$sError = "";

$nTimeout = 10;



var_dump(fsockopen($sHost, $sPort, $nError, $sError, $nTimeout));




I get the following error:

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: Failed to enable crypto in /home/ohinfo/public_html/parp.php on line 9


Which implies OpenSSL is not enabled, but it definitely is.

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i tried for days to get this working. all im getting is:


Error: Command syntax error


ive tried everything i can find on this forum but nothing works.


something to clarify though, on the username and password do i put my IPSTAG or the email address i use to log into my registras. And the password do i use the one i setup in the epp live settings in my nominet account ?


thanks in advance

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thanks for the reply, but tried all that and still dosnt work. i am a nominet member and tag holder and my host says all is ok but still dosnt work. ive spent 3 days on it and tbh giving up as i even submitted a ticket 2 days ago and still nothing.

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