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All Clients total due Report


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I wanted to see what is the total amount due on per client basis in a single report so I put together a neat report that shows client ID, client name, and total amount due.


Report looks like this:




Here's the code. Just save as total_due.php and upload to whmcs/modules/reports:



$res = mysql_query("select sum(tblinvoices.total) as total_dues from tblinvoices where tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'");
$row = mysql_fetch_row($res);
$total_dues = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Total Payments Dues";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total amount due till date on per client basis.";

$query = "Select tblclients.id as id, tblclients.firstname as firstname, tblclients.lastname as lastname, sum(tblinvoices.total) as dues from tblclients, tblinvoices where (tblclients.id = tblinvoices.userid) and tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' group by tblinvoices.userid order by tblclients.firstname, tblclients.lastname";
$result = mysql_query($query); 

$reportdata["headertext"] = "Payments due as on today is <b><font color='red'>" . $total_dues ."</font></b>";
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Total Amount Due");

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   $id = $data["id"];
   $clientname = "<a href=\"clientssummary.php?userid=". $data['id'] ."\" target=\"_blank\"\">" . $data["firstname"]." ".$data["lastname"] . "</a>"; 
   $dues = $data["dues"];

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($id,$clientname, $dues);


Hope you will find this useful.


If you have any suggestions or need any enhancements, do let me know.

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I made a couple of tweaks for you - clarifying the difference between *unpaid* and *overdue*, adding the company name, alternate sort orders ..



$date = date("Y-m-d",$time);

$invoicestotal = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_total FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicestotal = $row[0];

$invoicesdue = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_due  FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' AND tblinvoices.duedate<='".$date."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicesdue = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Unpaid Invoice Totals by Client";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total invoices outstanding on a per client basis.";

$headertext1 = "Invoices Overdue as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Overdue\"><b><font color='red'>".$invoicesdue."</font></b></a>. ";
$headertext2 = "Invoices Unpaid as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Unpaid\"><b><font color='purple'>".$invoicestotal."</b></a>";
$reportdata["headertext"] = $headertext1."<br />".$headertext2;
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Total Amount Unpaid");

$query = "SELECT c.id AS id, c.firstname AS firstname, c.lastname AS lastname, c.companyname AS company, sum(i.total) AS dues ";
$query .= "FROM tblclients AS c, tblinvoices AS i WHERE (c.id = i.userid) AND i.status='Unpaid' GROUP BY i.userid ";
// if wanted in clent name order use
// $query .= "ORDER BY c.firstname, c.lastname, c.companyname";

// if wanted in client id order use
// $query .= "ORDER BY c.id";

$query .= "ORDER BY dues DESC";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $id = $data['id'];
   $firstname = $data['firstname'];
   $lastname = $data['lastname'];
   $company = $data['company'];
   $client = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
   if ($company != "")
     $client .= ' ('.$company.')';
   $dues = $data['dues'];

   $idlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$id.'</a>';
   $clientlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$client.'</a>';

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($idlink, $clientlink, $dues);


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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Here is the updated version of the Report.

Updated queries produce accurate results.


I think this is one of the most useful reports which displays Total Dues/per client in single report. This should be included within the WHMCS inbuilt reporting system.



$date = date("Y-m-d",$time);

$invoicestotal = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_total FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicestotal = $row[0];

$invoicesdue = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_due  FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' AND tblinvoices.duedate<='".$date."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicesdue = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Unpaid Invoice Totals by Client";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total invoices outstanding on a per client basis.";

$headertext1 = "Invoices Overdue as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Overdue\"><b><font color='red'>".$invoicesdue."</font></b></a>. ";
$headertext2 = "Invoices Unpaid as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Unpaid\"><b><font color='purple'>".$invoicestotal."</b></a>";
$reportdata["headertext"] = $headertext1."<br />".$headertext2;
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Dues","Amt Paid","Unpaid");

// SELECT total,(SELECT SUM(amountin) FROM tblaccounts WHERE tblaccounts.invoiceid=tblinvoices.id) FROM tblinvoices

$query = "SELECT c.id AS id, c.firstname AS firstname, c.lastname AS lastname, c.companyname AS company, b.tot as dues, b.amtin as amountin, b.tot - b.amtin as amt_pending
FROM tblclients as c
SELECT tblinvoices.userid, sum( total ) AS tot, a.amtin FROM tblinvoices inner join (
SELECT tblaccounts.userid, SUM( amountin ) as amtin
FROM tblaccounts GROUP BY tblaccounts.userid) as a on a.userid = tblinvoices.userid where status <> 'Cancelled'
GROUP BY tblinvoices.userid ) AS b ON b.userid = c.id where b.tot-b.amtin <> 0";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $id = $data['id'];
   $firstname = $data['firstname'];
   $lastname = $data['lastname'];
   $company = $data['company'];
   $client = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
   if ($company != "")
     $client .= ' ('.$company.')';
   $dues = $data['dues'];
   $amountin = $data['amountin'];
   $amt_pending = $data['amt_pending'];
   $idlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$id.'</a>';
   $clientlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$client.'</a>';

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($idlink, $clientlink, $dues, $amountin, $amt_pending);


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  • 6 years later...
  • 3 years later...
  On 4/9/2011 at 1:15 PM, xuser said:

Here is the updated version of the Report.

Updated queries produce accurate results.


I think this is one of the most useful reports which displays Total Dues/per client in single report. This should be included within the WHMCS inbuilt reporting system.




$date = date("Y-m-d",$time);

$invoicestotal = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_total FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicestotal = $row[0];

$invoicesdue = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_due  FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' AND tblinvoices.duedate<='".$date."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicesdue = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Unpaid Invoice Totals by Client";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total invoices outstanding on a per client basis.";

$headertext1 = "Invoices Overdue as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Overdue\"><b><font color='red'>".$invoicesdue."</font></b></a>. ";
$headertext2 = "Invoices Unpaid as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Unpaid\"><b><font color='purple'>".$invoicestotal."</b></a>";
$reportdata["headertext"] = $headertext1."<br />".$headertext2;
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Dues","Amt Paid","Unpaid");

// SELECT total,(SELECT SUM(amountin) FROM tblaccounts WHERE tblaccounts.invoiceid=tblinvoices.id) FROM tblinvoices

$query = "SELECT c.id AS id, c.firstname AS firstname, c.lastname AS lastname, c.companyname AS company, b.tot as dues, b.amtin as amountin, b.tot - b.amtin as amt_pending
FROM tblclients as c
SELECT tblinvoices.userid, sum( total ) AS tot, a.amtin FROM tblinvoices inner join (
SELECT tblaccounts.userid, SUM( amountin ) as amtin
FROM tblaccounts GROUP BY tblaccounts.userid) as a on a.userid = tblinvoices.userid where status <> 'Cancelled'
GROUP BY tblinvoices.userid ) AS b ON b.userid = c.id where b.tot-b.amtin <> 0";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $id = $data['id'];
   $firstname = $data['firstname'];
   $lastname = $data['lastname'];
   $company = $data['company'];
   $client = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
   if ($company != "")
     $client .= ' ('.$company.')';
   $dues = $data['dues'];
   $amountin = $data['amountin'];
   $amt_pending = $data['amt_pending'];
   $idlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$id.'</a>';
   $clientlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$client.'</a>';

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($idlink, $clientlink, $dues, $amountin, $amt_pending);




Tnx , still working this.
Even tho its not sortable , but i can copy/paste the report into Word (table) and sort it out there + add total sums.

All i need if anyone can help is to show number of unpaid invoice`s like it is on client summary tab > http://prntscr.com/vf9xcc

For example after (right from) the "Unpaid" amount on the report , to be included the number of unpaid invoices, (1) (2) (3) etc...


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  On 4/9/2011 at 1:15 PM, xuser said:

Here is the updated version of the Report.

Updated queries produce accurate results.


I think this is one of the most useful reports which displays Total Dues/per client in single report. This should be included within the WHMCS inbuilt reporting system.




$date = date("Y-m-d",$time);

$invoicestotal = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_total FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicestotal = $row[0];

$invoicesdue = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_due  FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' AND tblinvoices.duedate<='".$date."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicesdue = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Unpaid Invoice Totals by Client";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total invoices outstanding on a per client basis.";

$headertext1 = "Invoices Overdue as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Overdue\"><b><font color='red'>".$invoicesdue."</font></b></a>. ";
$headertext2 = "Invoices Unpaid as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Unpaid\"><b><font color='purple'>".$invoicestotal."</b></a>";
$reportdata["headertext"] = $headertext1."<br />".$headertext2;
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Dues","Amt Paid","Unpaid");

// SELECT total,(SELECT SUM(amountin) FROM tblaccounts WHERE tblaccounts.invoiceid=tblinvoices.id) FROM tblinvoices

$query = "SELECT c.id AS id, c.firstname AS firstname, c.lastname AS lastname, c.companyname AS company, b.tot as dues, b.amtin as amountin, b.tot - b.amtin as amt_pending
FROM tblclients as c
SELECT tblinvoices.userid, sum( total ) AS tot, a.amtin FROM tblinvoices inner join (
SELECT tblaccounts.userid, SUM( amountin ) as amtin
FROM tblaccounts GROUP BY tblaccounts.userid) as a on a.userid = tblinvoices.userid where status <> 'Cancelled'
GROUP BY tblinvoices.userid ) AS b ON b.userid = c.id where b.tot-b.amtin <> 0";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $id = $data['id'];
   $firstname = $data['firstname'];
   $lastname = $data['lastname'];
   $company = $data['company'];
   $client = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
   if ($company != "")
     $client .= ' ('.$company.')';
   $dues = $data['dues'];
   $amountin = $data['amountin'];
   $amt_pending = $data['amt_pending'];
   $idlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$id.'</a>';
   $clientlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$client.'</a>';

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($idlink, $clientlink, $dues, $amountin, $amt_pending);




Tnx , this code still working.
Even tho its not sort-able , but i can copy/paste the report into Word (table) and sort it out there + add total sum`s.

All i need if anyone can help is to show number of unpaid invoice`s like it is on client summary tab > http://prntscr.com/vf9xcc

For example after (right from) the "Unpaid" amount on the report , to be included the number of unpaid invoices, (1) (2) (3) etc...

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  • 3 years later...


Hi is this still working? Thanks 


  On 4/9/2011 at 1:15 PM, xuser said:

Here is the updated version of the Report.

Updated queries produce accurate results.


I think this is one of the most useful reports which displays Total Dues/per client in single report. This should be included within the WHMCS inbuilt reporting system.




$date = date("Y-m-d",$time);

$invoicestotal = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_total FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicestotal = $row[0];

$invoicesdue = 0;
$query = "SELECT SUM(tblinvoices.total) as invoices_due  FROM tblinvoices WHERE tblinvoices.status='Unpaid' AND tblinvoices.duedate<='".$date."'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
$invoicesdue = $row[0];

$reportdata["title"] = "Unpaid Invoice Totals by Client";
$reportdata["description"] = "This will generate a report of the total invoices outstanding on a per client basis.";

$headertext1 = "Invoices Overdue as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Overdue\"><b><font color='red'>".$invoicesdue."</font></b></a>. ";
$headertext2 = "Invoices Unpaid as at ".$date." is: <a href=\"invoices.php?status=Unpaid\"><b><font color='purple'>".$invoicestotal."</b></a>";
$reportdata["headertext"] = $headertext1."<br />".$headertext2;
$reportdata["tableheadings"] = array("ID","Client Name","Dues","Amt Paid","Unpaid");

// SELECT total,(SELECT SUM(amountin) FROM tblaccounts WHERE tblaccounts.invoiceid=tblinvoices.id) FROM tblinvoices

$query = "SELECT c.id AS id, c.firstname AS firstname, c.lastname AS lastname, c.companyname AS company, b.tot as dues, b.amtin as amountin, b.tot - b.amtin as amt_pending
FROM tblclients as c
SELECT tblinvoices.userid, sum( total ) AS tot, a.amtin FROM tblinvoices inner join (
SELECT tblaccounts.userid, SUM( amountin ) as amtin
FROM tblaccounts GROUP BY tblaccounts.userid) as a on a.userid = tblinvoices.userid where status <> 'Cancelled'
GROUP BY tblinvoices.userid ) AS b ON b.userid = c.id where b.tot-b.amtin <> 0";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result))
   $id = $data['id'];
   $firstname = $data['firstname'];
   $lastname = $data['lastname'];
   $company = $data['company'];
   $client = $firstname.' '.$lastname;
   if ($company != "")
     $client .= ' ('.$company.')';
   $dues = $data['dues'];
   $amountin = $data['amountin'];
   $amt_pending = $data['amt_pending'];
   $idlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$id.'</a>';
   $clientlink = '<a href="clientssummary.php?userid='.$id.'" target="_blank">'.$client.'</a>';

   $reportdata["tablevalues"][] = array($idlink, $clientlink, $dues, $amountin, $amt_pending);





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