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Who sends ENOM recongized i.p. address for domain registration


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Greetings all;


I am (I hope) in the final phases of implementing WHMCS with ENOM Reseller. In preparation I have moved my web site from a shared i.p. address to a dedicated i.p. address (HostGator Reseller program). After several licensing issue, the i.p. address is recognized by WHMCS and I am licensed on WHMCS again.

While using the ENOM Reseller test site, I put in the dedicated i.p. address as the one for ENOM to recognized the request were coming from my site. As I ran the process from WHMCS a error came back " An Error Occurred: Invalid client IP: 70.8.7###.##" the i.p. address is the address of my old shared i.p. address. When I add that address to the ENOM Reseller test site, the transaction works.

So my question is, who reports the i.p. address to ENOM and where is it taking the address from. If I can get the answer to that question, I can address the problem.







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So my question is, who reports the i.p. address to ENOM and where is it taking the address from. If I can get the answer to that question, I can address the problem.


You have to submit a ticket to ENOM, asking them to add your IP address to access the API

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Hi Scurrel,


Thanks for the reply. ENOM has already been notified of the i.p. address and has informed me that it is entered. I think the issue is that my WHMCS API script for ENOM is representing itself as my old shared i.p. address. In the reply message in WHMCS it states the old shared address is invalid. When I add the old shared address to the ENOM test site, it works. My current dedicated i.p. address is already entered in the test account. I have not tried the production (live) account yet. Some where the old i.p. is being sent instead of the new i.p. I don't believe this is a caching issue.



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  • WHMCS Support Manager

When you attempt to view/register a domain via WHMCS you will see an "Invalid IP" error which will include the IP Address you need to whitelist with eNom.


WHMCS doesn't send the IP to eNom, they detect the IP address the request is coming from. It seems to occur occasionally that the request is sent from a server's main IP instead of the dedicated IP assigned to one particular account. Must be related to the individual server configuration.

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