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Price pr slot (voice server)


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I'm trying to make it posible for customers to order a certain amount of slots for voice servers.


Upon ordering, it should show a box, in which they can write how many slots they want.

I've got this working.


However! The pricing is wrong. After adding a group (to get the above working), and playing around with it, it always ends up with the wrong pricing.


This is how I want it:

1 slot = DKK 1.60

1 slot quarterly would then be: DKK 4.8

If I then put up an order for 10 slots quarterly, it should be DKK 48.


However! The price it drops out for first time payment is: DKK 41.80

And recurring quarterly is: DKK 52.80


What am I doing wrong?



It seems like it always adds the price from the product itself, but it should really only rely on the price group 0o?

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