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Problems with my WHMCS Install


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I have the following problems with WHMCS:


1. Not receiving any Cron job emails - I have checked the activity log and it shows that the Cron jobs are being completed.


2. Before the problem began where I wasn't receiving any emails, I was receiving emails as normal but the NetEarthOne syncronisation email didn't have the most recently ordered domains on it. I have checked all the settings and they seem ok - all domains have NetEarthOne listed as the registrar.


3. Domain registration not automated - I had a new order for a domain today and payment was made through Google Checkout but the system didn't proceed to register the domain with my registrar. I had to then proceed to register the domain name myself. This has previously worked so don't really understand why it hasn't worked recently.


Can anyone give me any advice regarding any of these issues?



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Ensure that you admin role is set to receive system emails. Also , are any emails being sent by the system?


I have just checked that and I am a 'Full Administrator'. The 'Full Administrator' is meant to receive all system emails, account emails and support emails. However, I have not received any support emails (even though tickets have been opened) and haven't received any order confirmations or anything.

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EDIT: I have just noticed that under Setup > General Settings > Mail it has 'Mail Type' set to 'PHP Mail ()'. It's obviously been like this since I ever installed WHMCS but would it make any difference if I changed it to SMTP?

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