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Smarty Modifier Plugin: IDN

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HEXONET is releasing a Smarty modifier plugin, under the BSD license,

which will convert punycode domains into their equivalent IDN. The

plugin is written in PHP and is based on the RFC. Furthermore, the

plugin requires no extensions or libraries since it uses numeric HTML

entities for special characters (allows characters to be independent of

the output encoding).


To use the plugin, simply append the string "|idn" behind each

respective Smarty output commands. PLEASE NOTE not to modify domains in

links or parameter names!


i.e. <td>{$result.domain|idn}</td>


New Domainchecker.php: Supports IDNs!


HEXONET has developed a replacement for the WHMCS domainchecker.php.

This new ispapi-domainchecker.php supports standard domain checks, bulk domain

checks and transfers, and most importantly, IDN domains! It uses the

Ispapi module to perfom registrar API checks, instead of whois checks,

thus allowing registrations for IDN domains like Chinese character .com

domains. Additionally, this new domainchecker.php allows the use of IDN

characters like Chinese even within the WHOIS contact data!


Please let me know if you want to become a beta-tester.



- jens

modifier.idn.zipFetching info...

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Sent me a pm, then you will receive a .zip package including the files and instructions.


The only prerequisites to get it working are an installed Ispapi registrar module, as well as a HEXONET test or live account. For full IDN support, it needs the php idn extension, and your WHMCS installation should be using UTF-8.


Btw, no existing WHMCS files are overwritten, we use different filenames.



- jens

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear All:


Seeing the posting by Jens from Hexonet here -- I just wanted to say that we are using their new replacement "domainchecker" set of files (as we are also using their domain reseller program for many domains), and it is a dream! It is amazingly fast! Our prospective customers can now search for over 50 domain TLDs that we offer in a single search and get a response page within maybe 2 or 3 seconds.

I'd like to thank Jens and Hexonet for this! It is a wonderful advancement and really does help to boost domain registration sales.



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It should work using the same parameters as the original one, e.g. it accepts the "tld", "tlds", "ext", "domain", .... No original files need to be overwritten, so you can easily test it.


Please let me know if you find something incompatible!



- jens

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Ok, i c. Here's a quick fix, insert two lines (bold) close to line 140.

These will keep the current date in a var, and store each result in tblwhoislog.


$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");


foreach ( $tlds as $index => $tld ) {

$result = array();

$result["domain"] = $domains[$index].$tld;


mysql_query ("INSERT INTO tblwhoislog (date, domain, ip) VALUES ('$now', '".mysql_real_escape_string($result["domain"])."', '".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])."')");


Will include that fix in the next version, too.



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Do you have an example domain which is returned as available, but shouldn't?

Ispapi-domainchecker uses our backend API for domain validation, which should be accurate. But the other settings wouldn't be difficult to implement...

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Here is the domains I have in configuration.php


$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".no"] = 2;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".no"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".asia"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".asia"] = 64;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".ws"] = 4;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".ws"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".biz"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".biz"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".at"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".at"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".me"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".me"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".nu"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".nu"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".co"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".co"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".com.co"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".com.co"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".net.co"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".net.co"] = 63;

$DomainMinLengthRestrictions[".nom.co"] = 3;

$DomainMaxLengthRestrictions[".nom.co"] = 63;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to add .si domain for whois lookup. Where can I do that? It seems ispapi-domainchecker.php does not support that tld.


I go to WHMCS admin => Setup => Domain pricing => add .si tld.

Now it appears in select list when I call ispapi-domainchecker.php in internet browser.

But there is a problem. If I choose .si tld from the list, I get error (domain is not allowed).


If I choose .com, then it works fine.


Can you help?

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  • 7 months later...
  hexonet said:
Do you have an example domain which is returned as available, but shouldn't?

Ispapi-domainchecker uses our backend API for domain validation, which should be accurate. But the other settings wouldn't be difficult to implement...


Dear Jens,


I cannot send you pm. I will be so glad if you email your zip file to siavashsd@gmail.com





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