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CheckOutScript - Copy of order Email


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Oops, silly me. I actually meant to post this in AH-John's thread. I love the boxes of the order page and warning messages of bucketshop's. It would be great to incorporate everyone's template together!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I tried this script on whmcs 3.1.1 (latest version).

Im not getting the email that is being sent from this script.

I did modify the $emailto = "name@mydomain.com" to my email address.

I am getting the other emails that whmcs generates though. Just not this one. I did enable the Run Script checkbox in Configuration > General Configuration > Other.


I do not have autoredirect to invoice checked though. I dont think this should be a problem though. Anyway, any help wpuld be appreciated.

The only mod i made to the script was just the email address to send this to.




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This is working fine for me. I'm also running WHMCS v3.1.1. You might want to check your local server settings about phpmail(). It could also be a problem with the sendmail option in your global server's php.ini.




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Hi Adam,

But why would I be receiving the other emails that whmcs sends out? Dont they use the same php mail to send the order messages as well as the messages to the admin about a pending sale?

I am receiving the other 3 emails that gets sent, but im not getting the email from this script.



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Hi xoopa,


I suggest you re-download the script, type in your email on the correct line, upload it to the correct folder and give it another shot !

Also make sure under "General Configuration", on the "Other" tab, that "Run Script on CheckOut" is checked...

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  xoopa said:
Hi Adam,

But why would I be receiving the other emails that whmcs sends out? Dont they use the same php mail to send the order messages as well as the messages to the admin about a pending sale?

I am receiving the other 3 emails that gets sent, but im not getting the email from this script.






The checkourscript I made sends out its own emails using the phpmail() function, not what ever you have set in WHMCS. So no, it does not use the same system as WHMCS.


Like Ramystyle said, you can try and reupload the checkoutscript.php file to your /includes/ folder and change line 180 which is,


// You can also change where this email is sent to. Don't think I need to 
// explain anymore.
$emailto = "orders@domain.com"; 




// You can also change where this email is sent to. Don't think I need to 
// explain anymore.
$emailto = "orders@eastsolid.com"; 


If that still doesn't work, then its a server problem with phpmail().




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  • 4 weeks later...
  Ulysses said:
I can see this is going to be very useful. If only it could include some other fields like:







... it would make life so much easier. :wink:




I will have to look at the database and see if these fields are even available when checkoutscript runs. I only use one Gateway, PayPal which has credit card information stored on their site. Could you tell me what gateway you are using so I can run some test on my local install.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Would it be possible to code it for product add-ons? Basically it return a response code of true of false. if there is a certain addon product then i can code it to do the rest, i just need the SQL foundation to find whether there was an addon for this order.

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  e-techron said:
Would it be possible to code it for product add-ons? Basically it return a response code of true of false. if there is a certain addon product then i can code it to do the rest, i just need the SQL foundation to find whether there was an addon for this order.


I'll see what I can do.




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  Revolution said:
will this script eliminate the old checkout functions as far as notifications and stuff?




No, this is an add-on. IE it will do the normal functions of any order PLUS this. If you have your own checkoutscript options, you will need to place them according.




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  • 4 weeks later...

I modified this quite a bit, now it's emailing configurable option values and only running when orders are from certain product groups. I've got a few bugs to work out, but I wondered if anyone needs this ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  skshost said:
I modified this quite a bit, now it's emailing configurable option values and only running when orders are from certain product groups. I've got a few bugs to work out, but I wondered if anyone needs this ?


Yes, I need this!


Please share with us =)





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