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action hook that sends email to remote address


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I'd like an action hook that sends a specifically formated email to my autoresponder created when a client completes an order... but not on a recurring payment.


The email should look like:


The “remote control” email must be sent to remote@yourdomain.com (insert your own domain in the place of yourdomain.com) and it must have a subject line in the format shown below. Unknown entries can be omitted.




The parameters p1 to p10 are explained here


p1: Your owner name : Required


p2: Your password : Required


p3: subscribe or unsubscribe


p4: Your subscriber's name


p5: Your subscribers email address


p6: Your autoresponder's subscription address (without the domain)


p7: plain or html


p8: The tracking tag to be associated with the subscription


p9: The IP address to be associated with the subscriber's record.


p10: Set to yes if you want the drop rules for the autoresponder to be actioned by this subscription.


For example, the following subject line would be valid:




I thought there was checkout script that did this before action hooks but I haven't seen anything similar for action hooks...


Any suggestions or can someone get me started here???



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I took this bit of code from the old checkout script and tried to modify if for actionhooks...


So far this is what I've added to the actionhooks.php but it stalls when run.... Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this working?



function actionhook_ClientSignup($vars) {

$sendEmail = "my name <name@emailaddress.com>";

$emailto = "name@anotheremailaddress.com";

$subject = "owner=owser+password=password+action=subscribe+name=$vars["FirstName"] $vars["LastName"]+email=$vars["Email"]+autoresponder=autorespondername+p7+p8+p9+p10

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'Content-type: text; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

$headers .= "From: $sendEmail" . "\r\n";

$headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";

$datetimefull = date("l F dS, Y - h:i A");

$message = "


mail($emailto, $subject, $message, $headers);


# This function runs when a new client is added

# $vars["ClientID"]

# $vars["FirstName"]

# $vars["LastName"]

# $vars["CompanyName"]

# $vars["Email"]

# $vars["Address1"]

# $vars["Address2"]

# $vars["City"]

# $vars["State"]

# $vars["Postcode"]

# $vars["Country"]

# $vars["PhoneNumber"]

# $vars["Password"]



If someone could help me with this I'd greatly appreciate it..

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This line is invalid php syntax:


$subject = "owner=owser+password=password+action=subscribe+na me=$vars["FirstName"] $vars["LastName"]+email=$vars["Email"]+autoresponder=autorespondername+p7+p8+p9+p10


You need to learn how to include variables inside quotation marks:




Look for 'Variable parsing', specifically 'Complex (curly) syntax'.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't want to learn php :-) I just want the hook working!


I purchased the email marketing module that arcdigital was offering... but It isnt' working with 4.0 and I dont' think they are going to release any fixes for it.


Bottom line is that I need to get this working - just a specifically formated email sent out when a new user registers or a new order is placed...


If anyone could take a quick look at the above posts I'd greatly appreciate it..

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