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Custome billing/subscription days (Daily or Weekly)

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Is there a way to change the billing/subscription cycle to daily or weekly billing, ex:


Customer can choose 1 day billing/subscription cycle which gives them access for 1 day and if they don't renew it 'eventually' cancels?


I'd like to create a selection of these such as 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 or 14 days, etc. etc.






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  • 2 weeks later...



So I'm the only one who thinks that whmcs would shoot to the next level and leave all competitors in the dust if the billing days/cycles were completely flexible, especially via subscriptions/member style access?


- pay for 3 days access to download via subscription - BAM - access to download ends at the end of 3rd day.


- pay for 14 days of VPN service via subscription - BAM - customers VPN account is not renewed after x number of payment notices.


We could do ALL sorts of things with this.


Next level ish for sure.



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I do have some products that get billed on a weekly basis and right now I have to handle those manually... It's a real PITA.


The ability to define our own recurring cycles (measured in combinations of days/weeks/months/years) would be great!!!

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Or better yet...post in Feature Requests


Thanks for the repply guys, but I guess no one really paid attention to the fact that I asked "is there is a way" to do this. As in "what file/s can I modify to change "monthly" to daily...


Oh well. If no one knows, perhaps the best thing would be to ask the developers. Just didn't want to pester them if I didn't have to. And didn't want a feature request to hit a brick wall.


If a mod wants to move this thread to the features request, cool. If not... I'm already looking at other solutions.


...too bad because I was pretty excited when I bought my license and someone I didn't realize I couldn't do anything less than monthly recurring billing unless it's was a one time payment. To some I might seem to make little sense, but weekly sales of our product/service is more popular than monthly.


Thank anyway...



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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I just received the newsletter and our dreams (over here) have been answered!!!


"In Version 4, you will be able to create custom billable item entries for clients. Each item will have a description and amount, and the key part is the invoice action you choose. There are 5 different actions to choose from and they are:

1. Don’t invoice for now

2. Invoice on Next Cron Run

3. Add to User’s Next Invoice

4. Invoice as Normal on X Date

5. Recur Every X Days/Weeks/Months/Years for Y Times starting Z"


We number 5 WHMCS will actually be a more COMPLETE billing solution for us when servicing our customers.


Our average order is for our 7 day service and we've been so disabled with being unable to bill less than 30 days.


Many customers test the service out for 1 day, then jump in for 7 and want to renew the 7 days as they see fit.


When we tried to force 30 days upon them, signups/sales declined.


I'm loving it. This is going to be great.


Thank you guys



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

If that is NOT the reason you hesitate then don't let this missing feature stop you unless you've found something else with all or most of the features of whmcs PLUS more details billing options.


I'm sold on whmcs, but I have been COMPLETELY baffled, hurt, and disappointed that it is called COMPLETE Solution but you are limited to billing periods of One Time, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually, Biennially.


It just seems more complete to allow the administrator to set their own billing periods when offering a product or service.


All year we have sat at the #1 position on google.com for our category (not hosting), so we get orders, and daily it is a frustration dealing with the fact that we sell our service by the day, our trial is for 7, and we use the configurable options to add additional days, but the customer can NOT be rebilled when their 1 day of service or 7 day trial (or 45 days) has passed.


If we use recurring billing, 30 days has to elapse to be rebilling for 3 days of service?


Sure, we use one time billing, but just like me, many people are very busy and simply forget or don't get around to logging back in unless they get a reminder or invoice.


It would be good if:


1) they can order 3 days of service and be asked if they want this 3 day service to be a subscription.


2) When the 3 days are used, an invoice is sent (with discount code!) telling them that their service period has expired and an invoice is due.


3) It then goes through the normal billing notice cycle and no more invoices are generated until this subscription is renewed and expired. If it is never renewed, the it expires as a done deal.


Now THATS a *COMPLETE* Solution.




Edited by NetworkOfHosting.com
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Dramitic huh.


Yeah. Perhaps it would be a good word to describe our service "*".


So you're proposing that we, at an average of 4 new customers a day, each ordering an average of 7 days of service, go in to the billable items section and enter a custom billing item for each and every one of them. And continuously do this for them when they want 5 days instead of 7, and 20 days instead of 30?


The amount of work involved in that would be "dramatic", inefficient and impractical for *us*


no, says


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I'm sure * was only trying to help. Given that what you're trying to achieve is fairly unique, his suggestion is the same as I would advise. You could quite simply achieve what you want with billable items and a custom order page. The billable items are really flexible and would allow you to bill for any number of days or weeks that you or the user chooses, and the API is simple to use with full samples provided in our docs.



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Hello Matt


I apologize to * and everyone else if i came across a bit defensive.


It is sunday here, and too many kids running around here yelling, and I'm actually missing the chaos of work!



are you saying that if I read up I can figure out how to make the billingable items feature function in a why so that whenever a new or repeat customer comes along they can automatically choose, from the menu of products/services on display, their own number of days as a one time or subscription/recurring order?






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  • 2 months later...

It is strange...


I personally have 8 associates who won't buy whmcs because of this, no matter how good I tell them that the other features are.


1 has already spent almost $9000.00 USD just for a hosting billing system with this ability.


Of course, we're talking about internet innovators with money. Much of it made with internet businesses.


Like me, they're stupid when it comes to programming, savvy when it comes to covering unfulfilled internet markets, so we don't get in to the "action hooks" thing.



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