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Intelligent Search All pages (mod)

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works for me, should for you (WHMCS v3.6.1)


backup files:





Open file admin/javascript/menu.js

*********** FIND

function clearhidemenu(){

if (typeof delayhide!="undefined")




if (hidemenu_onclick=="yes")


*********** ADD AFTER

// ServerTweak Mod Intelligent Search all pages //*






var whmcsajax_debug_mode = false;

var whmcsajax_request_type = "GET";

var whmcsajax_target_id = "";

var whmcsajax_failure_redirect = "";


function whmcsajax_debug(text) {

if (whmcsajax_debug_mode)




function whmcsajax_init_object() {

whmcsajax_debug("whmcsajax_init_object() called..")


var A;


var msxmlhttp = new Array(






for (var i = 0; i < msxmlhttp.length; i++) {

try {

A = new ActiveXObject(msxmlhttp);

} catch (e) {

A = null;




if(!A && typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined")

A = new XMLHttpRequest();

if (!A)

whmcsajax_debug("Could not create connection object.");

return A;



var whmcsajax_requests = new Array();


function whmcsajax_cancel() {

for (var i = 0; i < whmcsajax_requests.length; i++)




function whmcsajax_do_call(func_name, args) {

var i, x, n;

var uri;

var post_data;

var target_id;


whmcsajax_debug("in whmcsajax_do_call().." + whmcsajax_request_type + "/" + whmcsajax_target_id);

target_id = whmcsajax_target_id;

if (typeof(whmcsajax_request_type) == "undefined" || whmcsajax_request_type == "")

whmcsajax_request_type = "GET";


uri = "/vip/admin/index.php";

if (whmcsajax_request_type == "GET") {


if (uri.indexOf("?") == -1)

uri += "?rs=" + escape(func_name);


uri += "&rs=" + escape(func_name);

uri += "&rst=" + escape(whmcsajax_target_id);

uri += "&rsrnd=" + new Date().getTime();


for (i = 0; i < args.length-1; i++)

uri += "&rsargs[]=" + escape(args);


post_data = null;


else if (whmcsajax_request_type == "POST") {

post_data = "rs=" + escape(func_name);

post_data += "&rst=" + escape(whmcsajax_target_id);

post_data += "&rsrnd=" + new Date().getTime();


for (i = 0; i < args.length-1; i++)

post_data = post_data + "&rsargs[]=" + escape(args);


else {

alert("Illegal request type: " + whmcsajax_request_type);



x = whmcsajax_init_object();

if (x == null) {

if (whmcsajax_failure_redirect != "") {

location.href = whmcsajax_failure_redirect;

return false;

} else {

whmcsajax_debug("NULL whmcsajax object for user agent:\n" + navigator.userAgent);

return false;


} else {

x.open(whmcsajax_request_type, uri, true);

// window.open(uri);


whmcsajax_requests[whmcsajax_requests.length] = x;


if (whmcsajax_request_type == "POST") {

x.setRequestHeader("Method", "POST " + uri + " HTTP/1.1");

x.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");



x.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (x.readyState != 4)



whmcsajax_debug("received " + x.responseText);


var status;

var data;

var txt = x.responseText.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");

status = txt.charAt(0);

data = txt.substring(2);


if (status == "") {

// let's just assume this is a pre-response bailout and let it slide for now

} else if (status == "-")

alert("Error: " + data);

else {

if (target_id != "")

document.getElementById(target_id).innerHTML = eval(data);

else {

try {

var callback;

var extra_data = false;

if (typeof args[args.length-1] == "object") {

callback = args[args.length-1].callback;

extra_data = args[args.length-1].extra_data;

} else {

callback = args[args.length-1];


callback(eval(data), extra_data);

} catch (e) {

whmcsajax_debug("Caught error " + e + ": Could not eval " + data );







whmcsajax_debug(func_name + " uri = " + uri + "/post = " + post_data);


whmcsajax_debug(func_name + " waiting..");

delete x;

return true;




// wrapper for find_matches

function x_find_matches() {






function run_query() {

var x;

x = document.getElementById("intellisearchval").value;

x_find_matches(x, do_cb);


function do_cb(result) {




Save file


Open file admin/templates/homepage.tpl

*********** FIND & Remove

<div align="right" style="position:absolute;top:157px;left:590px;width:400px;">

<img src="images/icons/search.png" align="absmiddle" /> <strong>Intelligent Search</strong> <input type="text" name="intellisearchval" id="intellisearchval" onKeyUp="run_query();" style="width:120px;" /> <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('intellisearchval').value='';document.getElementById('searchresults').style.display='none';return false"><img src="images/delete.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></a>

<div align="left" id="searchresults" style="border:1px solid #DFDCCE;background-color:#F7F7F2;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;display:none;" nowrap></div>



Save file


Open file admin/templates/topmenu.tpl

*********** FIND

<span class="navbutton" onMouseOver="this.className='navbuttonover



*********** Add Above

<div align="right" style="position:absolute;top:157px;left:590px;width:400px;">

<img src="images/icons/search.png" align="absmiddle" /> <strong>Intelligent Search</strong> <input type="text" name="intellisearchval" id="intellisearchval" onKeyUp="run_query();" style="width:120px;" /> <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('intellisearchval').value='';document.getElementById('searchresults').style.display='none';return false"><img src="images/delete.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></a>

<div align="left" id="searchresults" style="border:1px solid #DFDCCE;background-color:#F7F7F2;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;display:none;" nowrap></div>



Save file



Let me know how it goes

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is for WHMCS developers: Hi, do you think the intelligent search on each admin page will be in your 3.6.2 update? Just curious, as Ive just seen it in the list of planned features in your dev pages. Also interested in Add Sorting to Client Area... :)

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