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How to edit header.tpl file?


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I want to remove ability to submit a ticket through WHMCS since I use a 3rd party helpdesk system. I went through these forums and learnt that I need to edit my header.tpl file to remove reference to the support ticket system.


I downloaded that file and tried editing it in MS FrontPage. However, it was not possible to edit it as it did not show up properly in FrontPage.


Can anyone please suggest how I can edit this file? I have a good working knowledge of HTML, but I rely on FrontPage to do most of the HTML coding for me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Since you have a good working knowledge of HTML, you should open the file in Notepad, and edit it from there. Just keep a backup in case things don't work out for you.


You will be looking for three sections to edit (if you are using the portal template). The first will be in the table that displays the client area links. Find the code that says:


 <td class="clientlinks"><a href="supporttickets.php"><img src="images/clientarea/supporttickets.gif" alt="{$LANG.clientareanavsupporttickets}" align="middle" /></a>  <a href="supporttickets.php">{$LANG.clientareanavsupporttickets}</a></td>


and delete it.


Then look for the navbar section. Find this:


<td class="navbutton" onmouseover="this.className='navbuttonover';" onmouseout="this.className='navbutton';" onclick="window.location='knowledgebase.php'">{$LANG.knowledgebasetitle}</td>
<td class="navbutton" onmouseover="this.className='navbuttonover';" onmouseout="this.className='navbutton';" onclick="window.location='supporttickets.php'">{$LANG.supportticketspagetitle}</td>
<td class="navbutton" onmouseover="this.className='navbuttonover';" onmouseout="this.className='navbutton';" onclick="window.location='submitticket.php'">{$LANG.supportticketssubmitticket}</td>


and delete it. Right above that code are links to the downloads section and announcements section. If you don't want those, delete them as well.


Finally you will want to find the knowledgebase search form. This is toward the bottom, and goes as follows:


   <td class="navbox">
   <form method="post" action="knowledgebase.php?action=search">
   <div align="center"><strong>{$LANG.knowledgebasesearch}</strong><br />
   <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /><br />
   <select name="searchin" class="navinput" style="width:130px;">
   <option value="Knowledgebase">{$LANG.knowledgebasetitle}</option>
   <option value="Downloads">{$LANG.downloadstitle}</option>
   <br />
   <img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" /><br />
   <input name="search" type="text" class="navinput" size="15" />
   <input name="submit2" type="submit" class="submitbutton" value="{$LANG.go}" />


once again you would want to remove that.


After these steps are completed, you will have removed the kb from the header.tpl file. I don't think that there are knowledgebase links any where else, does anybody else know for sure?

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If you open header.tpl in frontpage or notepad (will work just aswell) you can remove the links to it (the horizontal menu) by removing

<td><a href="supporttickets.php">{$LANG.supportticketspagetitle}</a></td>

And in there

<a href="supporttickets.php"><img src="images/clientarea/supporttickets.gif" border="0" hspace="5" align="middle" alt="" />{$LANG.clientareanavsupporttickets}</a>


You might want to edit it out of homepage.tpl too.

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Thank you so much for your quick replies, and I will attampt to make these changes.


One more question. How do I remove the WHM Complete Sulution logo from my client area? I'd want to put my own logo there. I have already replaced the logo in the Invoices, but could not find the pace to make the change on my client login page. Thanks!

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Thank you so much for your quick replies, and I will attampt to make these changes.


One more question. How do I remove the WHM Complete Sulution logo from my client area? I'd want to put my own logo there. I have already replaced the logo in the Invoices, but could not find the pace to make the change on my client login page. Thanks!


You can edit this bit of code:


<td width="100%" height="122" style="padding-left:35px; background:url('templates/{$template}/images/whmcslogobg.png') repeat-x;"><img src="templates/{$template}/images/whmcslogo.png" alt="WHMCS" /></td>



To get the "Powered By" line removed, you must order branding removal. you can do so by going here https://www.whmcs.com/clients/managelicense.php , or if it doesn't give the option there you need to send a ticket to sales.


I strongly suggest WHMCS' integration service. http://www.whmcs.com/integration.php

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Hi ask21900,

Thanks for your suggestions. It worked like a charm, and they are no longer showing up in the header. I have purchased the Unbranded version of WHMCS, so no need to remove any links.


When I login as a client and go to "Home", I still see the "Support Tickets", "Submit Ticket" and "Knowledgebase" link on the main page. Any advice on how, where to remove these 3 links? Thanks again!

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If you mean the part on the home page with the icons you need to edit homepage.tpl (convienient isnt it lol) the icons and text are in table elements so be careful when removing them not to have a mess left by removing to many <td></td>s


I have to agree with ask tho and say the intergration service may be your best bet.

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Hi ask21900,

Thanks for your suggestions. It worked like a charm, and they are no longer showing up in the header. I have purchased the Unbranded version of WHMCS, so no need to remove any links.


When I login as a client and go to "Home", I still see the "Support Tickets", "Submit Ticket" and "Knowledgebase" link on the main page. Any advice on how, where to remove these 3 links? Thanks again!


I knew there was something I was forgetting... :)

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