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Account Information Email Not Sent Until Order Approved


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The Account Information email is not sent until the order is manually approved. Is that what should happen?


I get a lot of emails from angry users asking what their FTP details are because they expect to have received all their details as soon as they made payment not when I manully approve the order from pending status which may be up to 12 hours.

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Yup, that's exactly how it's supposed to be; The emails are NOT sent out until the order is approved, etc etc.


The best bet to avoid further confrontations from your clients is to set up an article in your KB about account setup. Let them know that they'll receive the account information within XX amount of hours, and that you do not setup accounts automatically. :)

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If your Products are Configured to be created after First payment Received ,then they should receive this email as well , the only thing i can think of is :

Go to Configuration > Email Templates > then select edit next to the email that is not sent and make sure that the check box next to "Tick this box to disable this email from being sent" is Unticked

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Which is the way it should and does work. It would not be possible to give someone details before the account is actually set up due to the username & pass may need or want modification upon setup, or the server it gets installed on.

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This is the current process that occurs for me:

1. The user places the order and pays.

2. The user's hosting account is instantly created (user is also sent a welcome email).

3. A few hours later I manually set the order from "pending" to "approved" in WHM

4. WHM then sends the user the "Account Information" email.


I need to the "Account Information" email to be sent instantly when the user has made payment. Is that the way it should happen?

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I need to the "Account Information" email to be sent instantly when the user has made payment.


Go to CONFIGURATION >>>> Products/Services


then when you create your product or service, on the MODULE SETTINGS tab, tick the option:


"Automatically create the account as soon as the first payment is received"




"Automatically create the account when you manually accept a pending order"



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But it appears to already be set that?


Jase said on step 2:

2. The user's hosting account is instantly created (user is also sent a welcome email).


So it is creating the account, but it won't actually send the information for it unless manually accepted?

I don't think that's right and should be sent instantly after the account is created.

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In a perfect world, where every new customer is fully legit, doesn't come from Nigeria and isn't using stolen credit card details, we'd be happy for the account to be created, made active, and account details sent out.


Until that perfect world exists, we're happy having to approve every order before the account details are sent out.

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In a perfect world, where every new customer is fully legit, doesn't come from Nigeria and isn't using stolen credit card details, we'd be happy for the account to be created, made active, and account details sent out.


Until that perfect world exists, we're happy having to approve every order before the account details are sent out.


Ditto on that! Even some of the largest of companies don't auto setup and auto register.

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In a perfect world, where every new customer is fully legit, doesn't come from Nigeria and isn't using stolen credit card details, we'd be happy for the account to be created, made active, and account details sent out.


Until that perfect world exists, we're happy having to approve every order before the account details are sent out.


I disagree. If it turns out to be credit fraud, you can just suspend the account. It makes no difference in terms of time or cost. Why make legit customers suffer in order to prevent unligit customers getting 24 hours of free web hosting. If anything it should feel great suspending an account an unligit person has spent hours creating.


And if it's someone planning to use email and webhosting for spam or anything against your terms and conditions, then you wouldn't find out until the account was approved anyway. Once again it makes no difference to unligit customers, it only hurts the ligit customers.

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In a perfect world, where every new customer is fully legit, doesn't come from Nigeria and isn't using stolen credit card details, we'd be happy for the account to be created, made active, and account details sent out.


Until that perfect world exists, we're happy having to approve every order before the account details are sent out.


Indeed but why is there then an option as below?


"Automatically create the account as soon as the first payment is received"


Doesn't make sense to automatic create the account after payment was received but witheld the account information email because it defeats the whole purpose of automation.


"Automatically create the account XXX hours after the first payment was received" sounds for me like a much wiser option than to witheld the account information email until manually approved.


In the current state its either MANUAL or partly Automatic / partly manual

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Incorrect. When the account setup completes successfully, the welcome email is sent immediately and automatically.


Beat me to it :P I have certain packages set to automatically create upon payment, and their Account Information is sent out automatically; Usually they'll get that email just before their invoice payment confirmation email.

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