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TLD pricing & discounts for client or clientgroups?

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Using the "Registrar TLD sync" feature we can import/update all TLD prices and set a profit margin for all TLD's. Now, we do want to give discounts to customers that have many domains with us. I haven't been able to find an option to enter discounts for a client or cliengroup?

I did find the pricing slab (per TLD?) but we would have to enter all prices, for all TLD's, manually?

if we were to use this, it will never update automatically using "Registrar TLD sync". So this doesn't seem like a workable solution.

Isn't there any option that would allow us to enter a discount for a client/clientgroup so that this client/clientgroup gets the said discount on all TLD's?

If this is not directly possible in WHMCS. Isn't there an addon, providing this feature, that you could recommend?

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