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Hosting account with more than one domains?


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This is what I am trying to do as well. How do you do this with custom fields? We have customers that have 50 domains for one hosting account (not an exageration). How do we get them to show up in domains and be tied to the hosting account? Or is this possible? In modernbill, you could have multiple domains on one invoice. We have transferred our data from modernbill and are in the process of cleaning up the mess. We can't se to handle this and we can't turn on the billing system until it's all plugged in :-(

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  • WHMCS Developer

you can put the domains on the same order if they ordered them at the same time.. so they appear in the same invoice etc, that is what I have done.


As for referring to them in the Products tab for the hosting, I don't think this is possible...


I have Customer x with Order 2


In order 2 you have the hosting package and 3 domains


so when you look at the order and invoice they are all on the same one..


the problem with domains is that they all seem to renew at different times hehe

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We have customers that have 50 domains for one hosting account (not an exageration).

And why would your *billing* system know or care ?


How do we get them to show up in domains

Domains bought through you and therefore invoiced to the client by you are the ones in WHMCS, other domains the client has with other companies, irrespective of who hosts them, will not be in your *billing* system :D


In modernbill, you could have multiple domains on one invoice

Items due on the same date show on a single consolidated invoice

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  • 1 year later...

So the only way to do this is via the Product Addons feature? What about configurable fields? I know you can't have multiple domains listed in the domain field for the hosting account but how will you know which domains go to which hosting account if you can just create a generic addon like "additional domain" and an annual price of lets say $7?

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