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unusual Smarty Error: Unable to load template after module update


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Just after a commercial module update, it happens an unusual Smarty error in logs:

Smarty Error: Unable to load template 'file:templates/orderforms/modern/category-chooser.tpl' in '/var/www/example.com/public_html/templates/orderforms/modern/products.tpl'

Very strange, because:

  • AFAIK, no modification to any .tpl file occurred
  • just copying the content of category-chooser.tpl and pasting it inside products.tpl has been sufficient to fix the issue

Being the commercial module encrypted, I can't go deeper in investigating, so I can just guess:

Is it possible that some kind of hook in the commercial module "moves" the current directory from  /var/www/example.com/public_html/ to something like (i.e.)  /var/www/example.com/public_html/modules/addons/mymodule/ , and so the relative path  file:templates/orderforms/modern/category-chooser.tpl is no valid anymore?

Any experience about this kind of issues?



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If that commercial module is mine, that's my fault. I used a chdir() in the wrong place so Smarty thinks that the root is /lang instead of /. Re-download and replace all files. This should fix the problem. Sorry.

Edited by Kian
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