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Change Invoice Sorting/Ordering?


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Hi all,

I've tried to search but didn't seem to come up with what I was looking for. Basically when you visit the "My Invoices" section on the clients side, the invoices seem to be in a random order. You do get the option to click on the colums and change the order yourself. But is there a way to show like the unpaid invoices at the top each time someone goes to the "My Invoices" page? While also allowing them to continue clicking the colums to sort it in the order they want.

If this makes sense? 

Edited by Bertie
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34 minutes ago, Bertie said:

Basically when you visit the "My Invoices" section on the clients side, the invoices seem to be in a random order.

they should be being sorted by due date descending.

56 minutes ago, Bertie said:

But is there a way to show like the unpaid invoices at the top at all times? Unless they specifically click one of the coliums to sort it in the way they want. 

you could literally use invoices.php?orderby=status&sort=desc in the url (modify menu / bookmark it), but it then weirdly seems to sort by status and then invoice ID.

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