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Show Configurable Option in Products view

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Hello! I'm trying to get the Configurable Option to show next to the Product name in the client area products view.

Is there a way to pull this without having the product selected and heading to productdetails?

Essentially, configoption is server location. Looking to show {$service.group} - {$service.product} - {$configoptiondetails}

Screenshot attached.

Any insight?



Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 11.51.34 AM.png

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16 hours ago, Metahuman Network said:

Is there a way to pull this without having the product selected and heading to productdetails?

you could use a ClientAreaPageProductsServices hook to loop through the $services array in the template, and modify the $service.product value to contain your preferred layout (optionally checking it's a VPS product first) - group name & product should already exist in the array, so a database query to obtain the configurable option value you need will be required.

btw - are you aware of the CSS issue in your "join our mailing list" option at checkout where it's showing with 100% height ??


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  • 1 month later...

So I went a different route for this and just used available smarty array variables.

For clientareaproducts:

<td><strong>{$service.group} - {$service.product}{if ($service.group == 'WireGuard')} - {$service.server.name|replace:'WG - ':''|replace:'1':''|replace:'2':''|replace:'3':''}{/if}</strong></td>

I use a custom hook to assign to a server group upon provision, so I just pull the server name and remove the formatting/id scheme to just display the City/State for products in that group.

Displays as:



For clientareaproductdetails:

{if $configurableoptions && $groupname=='WireGuard'}
                        {if !$domain && !$moduleclientarea} in active{/if}
                            {foreach from=$configurableoptions item=configoption}
                                <h4>{if $configoption.optiontype eq 3}{if $configoption.selectedqty}{$LANG.yes}{else}{$LANG.no}{/if}{elseif $configoption.optiontype eq 4}{$configoption.selectedqty} x {$configoption.selectedoption}{else}{$configoption.selectedoption}{/if}</h4>

Since WHMCS already pulls the Configurable Options info for this page, just have to limit it to a group and display where you want it.




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