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How to read return value of module create command


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When I do the module create command in php I get a result back with a lot of data. I am not an experienced programmer, I know how to adjust things not much more 😉
How do I get to this field:            'name' => 'Basic Linux Hosting',

The first ones I know; $vars['accountid'] But then with the model, table I am a bit lost. Who can point me in the right direction.

array (
 'params' => 
 array (
   'accountid' => 199889,
   'serviceid' => 199889,
   'addonId' => 0,
   'userid' => '89300',
   'domain' => 'test5.ddd.nl',
   'username' => 'dddd',
   'password' => '',
   'packageid' => '23',
   'pid' => '23',
   'serverid' => 2211,
   'status' => 'Active',
   'qty' => '1',
   'type' => 'hostingaccount',
   'producttype' => 'hostingaccount',
   'moduletype' => 'directadminExtended',
   'configoption1' => '',
   'configoption2' => '',
   'configoption3' => '',
   'configoption4' => '',
   'configoption5' => '',
   'configoption6' => '',
   'configoption7' => '',
   'configoption8' => '',
   'configoption9' => '',
   'configoption10' => '',
   'configoption11' => '',
   'configoption12' => '',
   'configoption13' => '',
   'configoption14' => '',
   'configoption15' => '',
   'configoption16' => '',
   'configoption17' => '',
   'configoption18' => '',
   'configoption19' => '',
   'configoption20' => '',
   'configoption21' => '',
   'configoption22' => '',
   'configoption23' => '',
   'configoption24' => '',
   'customfields' => 
   array (
   'configoptions' => 
   array (
     'CGI Access' => '0',
     'Addon Domains' => '1',
   'model' => 
      'table' => 'tblhosting',
      'columnMap' => 
     array (
       'clientId' => 'userid',
       'productId' => 'packageid',
       'serverId' => 'server',
       'registrationDate' => 'regdate',
       'paymentGateway' => 'paymentmethod',
       'status' => 'domainstatus',
       'promotionId' => 'promoid',
       'promotionCount' => 'promocount',
       'overrideAutoSuspend' => 'overideautosuspend',
       'overrideSuspendUntilDate' => 'overidesuspenduntil',
       'bandwidthUsage' => 'bwusage',
       'bandwidthLimit' => 'bwlimit',
       'lastUpdateDate' => 'lastupdate',
       'firstPaymentAmount' => 'firstpaymentamount',
       'recurringAmount' => 'amount',
       'recurringFee' => 'amount',
      'dates' => 
     array (
       0 => 'registrationDate',
       1 => 'overrideSuspendUntilDate',
       2 => 'lastUpdateDate',
      'booleans' => 
     array (
       0 => 'overideautosuspend',
      'appends' => 
     array (
       0 => 'domainPunycode',
       1 => 'serviceProperties',
      'hidden' => 
     array (
       0 => 'password',
      'unique' => 
     array (
      'guardedForUpdate' => 
     array (
      'strings' => 
     array (
      'ints' => 
     array (
      'semanticVersions' => 
     array (
      'commaSeparated' => 
     array (
      'characterSeparated' => 
     array (
      'rules' => 
     array (
      'errors' => NULL,
      'customValidationMessages' => 
     array (
      'connection' => 'default',
      'primaryKey' => 'id',
      'keyType' => 'int',
      'incrementing' => true,
      'with' => 
     array (
      'withCount' => 
     array (
      'perPage' => 15,
      'exists' => true,
      'wasRecentlyCreated' => false,
      'attributes' => 
     array (
       'id' => '199889',
       'userid' => '89300',
       'orderid' => '283501',
       'packageid' => '23',
       'server' => '2211',
       'regdate' => '2020-10-04',
       'domain' => 'test5.dddd.nl',
       'paymentmethod' => 'mollieideal_devapp',
       'qty' => '1',
       'firstpaymentamount' => '6.50',
       'amount' => '6.50',
       'billingcycle' => 'Quarterly',
       'nextduedate' => '2021-01-04',
       'nextinvoicedate' => '2021-01-04',
       'termination_date' => '0000-00-00',
       'completed_date' => '0000-00-00',
       'domainstatus' => 'Active',
       'username' => 'ddd',
       'password' => 'DIaFAxiXRil7IIguHplREbbweZpMElrPZ09BHyXtKAb5eA==',
       'notes' => '',
       'subscriptionid' => '',
       'promoid' => '0',
       'promocount' => '0',
       'suspendreason' => '',
       'overideautosuspend' => '0',
       'overidesuspenduntil' => '0000-00-00',
       'dedicatedip' => '',
       'assignedips' => '',
       'ns1' => '',
       'ns2' => '',
       'diskusage' => '0',
       'disklimit' => '0',
       'bwusage' => '0',
       'bwlimit' => '0',
       'lastupdate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
       'created_at' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
       'updated_at' => '2020-10-04 19:22:26',
      'original' => 
     array (
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       'orderid' => '283501',
       'packageid' => '23',
       'server' => '2211',
       'regdate' => '2020-10-04',
       'domain' => 'test5.ddddd.nl',
       'paymentmethod' => 'mollieideal_devapp',
       'qty' => '1',
       'firstpaymentamount' => '6.50',
       'amount' => '6.50',
       'billingcycle' => 'Quarterly',
       'nextduedate' => '2021-01-04',
       'nextinvoicedate' => '2021-01-04',
       'termination_date' => '0000-00-00',
       'completed_date' => '0000-00-00',
       'domainstatus' => 'Active',
       'username' => 'vmddddixqxhc',
       'password' => '',
       'notes' => '',
       'subscriptionid' => '',
       'promoid' => '0',
       'promocount' => '0',
       'suspendreason' => '',
       'overideautosuspend' => '0',
       'overidesuspenduntil' => '0000-00-00',
       'dedicatedip' => '',
       'assignedips' => '',
       'ns1' => '',
       'ns2' => '',
       'diskusage' => '0',
       'disklimit' => '0',
       'bwusage' => '0',
       'bwlimit' => '0',
       'lastupdate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
       'created_at' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
       'updated_at' => '2020-10-04 19:22:26',
      'changes' => 
     array (
      'casts' => 
     array (
      'classCastCache' => 
     array (
      'dateFormat' => NULL,
      'dispatchesEvents' => 
     array (
      'observables' => 
     array (
      'relations' => 
     array (
       'product' => 
          'table' => 'tblproducts',
          'moduleField' => 'servertype',
          'columnMap' => 
         array (
           'productGroupId' => 'gid',
           'isHidden' => 'hidden',
           'welcomeEmailTemplateId' => 'welcomeemail',
           'stockControlEnabled' => 'stockcontrol',
           'quantityInStock' => 'qty',
           'proRataChargeDayOfCurrentMonth' => 'proratadate',
           'proRataChargeNextMonthAfterDay' => 'proratachargenextmonth',
           'paymentType' => 'paytype',
           'allowMultipleQuantities' => 'allowqty',
           'freeSubDomains' => 'subdomain',
           'module' => 'servertype',
           'serverGroupId' => 'servergroup',
           'moduleConfigOption1' => 'configoption1',
           'moduleConfigOption2' => 'configoption2',
           'moduleConfigOption3' => 'configoption3',
           'moduleConfigOption4' => 'configoption4',
           'moduleConfigOption5' => 'configoption5',
           'moduleConfigOption6' => 'configoption6',
           'moduleConfigOption7' => 'configoption7',
           'moduleConfigOption8' => 'configoption8',
           'moduleConfigOption9' => 'configoption9',
           'moduleConfigOption10' => 'configoption10',
           'moduleConfigOption11' => 'configoption11',
           'moduleConfigOption12' => 'configoption12',
           'moduleConfigOption13' => 'configoption13',
           'moduleConfigOption14' => 'configoption14',
           'moduleConfigOption15' => 'configoption15',
           'moduleConfigOption16' => 'configoption16',
           'moduleConfigOption17' => 'configoption17',
           'moduleConfigOption18' => 'configoption18',
           'moduleConfigOption19' => 'configoption19',
           'moduleConfigOption20' => 'configoption20',
           'moduleConfigOption21' => 'configoption21',
           'moduleConfigOption22' => 'configoption22',
           'moduleConfigOption23' => 'configoption23',
           'moduleConfigOption24' => 'configoption24',
           'recurringCycleLimit' => 'recurringcycles',
           'daysAfterSignUpUntilAutoTermination' => 'autoterminatedays',
           'autoTerminationEmailTemplateId' => 'autoterminateemail',
           'allowConfigOptionUpgradeDowngrade' => 'configoptionsupgrade',
           'upgradeEmailTemplateId' => 'upgradeemail',
           'enableOverageBillingAndUnits' => 'overagesenabled',
           'overageDiskLimit' => 'overagesdisklimit',
           'overageBandwidthLimit' => 'overagesbwlimit',
           'overageDiskPrice' => 'overagesdiskprice',
           'overageBandwidthPrice' => 'overagesbwprice',
           'applyTax' => 'tax',
           'affiliatePayoutOnceOnly' => 'affiliateonetime',
           'affiliatePaymentType' => 'affiliatepaytype',
           'affiliatePaymentAmount' => 'affiliatepayamount',
           'isRetired' => 'retired',
           'displayOrder' => 'order',
          'booleans' => 
         array (
           0 => 'isHidden',
           1 => 'showDomainOptions',
           2 => 'stockControlEnabled',
           3 => 'proRataBilling',
           4 => 'allowConfigOptionUpgradeDowngrade',
           5 => 'applyTax',
           6 => 'affiliatePayoutOnceOnly',
           7 => 'isRetired',
           8 => 'isFeatured',
          'strings' => 
         array (
           0 => 'description',
           1 => 'autoSetup',
           2 => 'module',
           3 => 'moduleConfigOption1',
           4 => 'moduleConfigOption2',
           5 => 'moduleConfigOption3',
           6 => 'moduleConfigOption4',
           7 => 'moduleConfigOption5',
           8 => 'moduleConfigOption6',
           9 => 'moduleConfigOption7',
           10 => 'moduleConfigOption8',
           11 => 'moduleConfigOption9',
           12 => 'moduleConfigOption10',
           13 => 'moduleConfigOption11',
           14 => 'moduleConfigOption12',
           15 => 'moduleConfigOption13',
           16 => 'moduleConfigOption14',
           17 => 'moduleConfigOption15',
           18 => 'moduleConfigOption16',
           19 => 'moduleConfigOption17',
           20 => 'moduleConfigOption18',
           21 => 'moduleConfigOption19',
           22 => 'moduleConfigOption20',
           23 => 'moduleConfigOption21',
           24 => 'moduleConfigOption22',
           25 => 'moduleConfigOption23',
           26 => 'moduleConfigOption24',
          'ints' => 
         array (
           0 => 'welcomeEmailTemplateId',
           1 => 'quantityInStock',
           2 => 'proRataChargeDayOfCurrentMonth',
           3 => 'proRataChargeNextMonthAfterDay',
           4 => 'serverGroupId',
           5 => 'displayOrder',
          'commaSeparated' => 
         array (
           0 => 'freeSubDomains',
           1 => 'freeDomainPaymentTerms',
           2 => 'freeDomainTlds',
           3 => 'enableOverageBillingAndUnits',
          'appends' => 
         array (
           0 => 'formattedProductFeatures',
          'pricingCache' => NULL,
          'unique' => 
         array (
          'guardedForUpdate' => 
         array (
          'semanticVersions' => 
         array (
          'characterSeparated' => 
         array (
          'rules' => 
         array (
          'errors' => NULL,
          'customValidationMessages' => 
         array (
          'connection' => 'default',
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         array (
          'withCount' => 
         array (
          'perPage' => 15,
          'exists' => true,
          'wasRecentlyCreated' => false,
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         array (
           'id' => '23',
           'type' => 'hostingaccount',
           'gid' => '1',
           'name' => 'Basic Linux Hosting',
           'slug' => '',
           'description' => '',
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           'showdomainoptions' => '1',
           'welcomeemail' => '1',
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           'proratadate' => '0',
           'proratachargenextmonth' => '0',
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           'subdomain' => '',
           'autosetup' => 'payment',
           'servertype' => 'directadminExtended',
           'servergroup' => '1',
           'configoption1' => '',
           'configoption2' => '',
           'configoption3' => '',
           'configoption4' => '',
           'configoption5' => '',
           'configoption6' => '',
           'configoption7' => '',
           'configoption8' => '',
           'configoption9' => '',
           'configoption10' => '',
           'configoption11' => '',
           'configoption12' => '',
           'configoption13' => '',
           'configoption14' => '',
           'configoption15' => '',
           'configoption16' => '',
           'configoption17' => '',
           'configoption18' => '',
           'configoption19' => '',
           'configoption20' => '',
           'configoption21' => '',
           'configoption22' => '',
           'configoption23' => '',
           'configoption24' => '',
           'freedomain' => '',
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           'freedomaintlds' => '.nl',
           'recurringcycles' => '0',
           'autoterminatedays' => '0',
           'autoterminateemail' => '0',
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           'upgradeemail' => '0',
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           'overagesdiskprice' => '0.0000',
           'overagesbwprice' => '0.0000',
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           'affiliateonetime' => '0',
           'affiliatepaytype' => '',
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           'retired' => '0',
           'is_featured' => '1',
           'created_at' => '2020-09-07 18:30:33',
           'updated_at' => '2020-09-10 18:42:13',
          'original' => 
         array (
           'id' => '23',
           'type' => 'hostingaccount',
           'gid' => '1',
           'name' => 'Basic Linux Hosting',
           'slug' => '',
           'description' => '',
           'hidden' => '0',
           'showdomainoptions' => '1',
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           'qty' => '0',
           'proratabilling' => '0',
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           'configoption1' => '',
           'configoption2' => '',
           'configoption3' => '',
           'configoption4' => '',
           'configoption5' => '',
           'configoption6' => '',
           'configoption7' => '',
           'configoption8' => '',
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           'configoption19' => '',
           'configoption20' => '',
           'configoption21' => '',
           'configoption22' => '',
           'configoption23' => '',
           'configoption24' => '',
           'freedomain' => '',
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           'autoterminatedays' => '0',
           'autoterminateemail' => '0',
           'configoptionsupgrade' => '1',
           'billingcycleupgrade' => '',
           'upgradeemail' => '0',
           'overagesenabled' => '',
           'overagesdisklimit' => '0',
           'overagesbwlimit' => '0',
           'overagesdiskprice' => '0.0000',
           'overagesbwprice' => '0.0000',
           'tax' => '1',
           'affiliateonetime' => '0',
           'affiliatepaytype' => '',
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           'order' => '0',
           'retired' => '0',
           'is_featured' => '1',
           'created_at' => '2020-09-07 18:30:33',
           'updated_at' => '2020-09-10 18:42:13',
          'changes' => 
         array (
          'casts' => 
         array (
          'classCastCache' => 
         array (
          'dates' => 
         array (
          'dateFormat' => NULL,
          'dispatchesEvents' => 
         array (
          'observables' => 
         array (
          'relations' => 
         array (
          'touches' => 
         array (
          'timestamps' => true,
          'hidden' => 
         array (
          'visible' => 
         array (
          'fillable' => 
         array (
          'guarded' => 
         array (
           0 => '*',
          'field' => 'configoption1',
       'client' => 
          'table' => 'tblclients',
          'columnMap' => 
         array (
           'passwordHash' => 'password',
           'twoFactorAuthModule' => 'authmodule',
           'twoFactorAuthData' => 'authdata',
           'currencyId' => 'currency',
           'defaultPaymentGateway' => 'defaultgateway',
           'overrideLateFee' => 'latefeeoveride',
           'overrideOverdueNotices' => 'overideduenotices',
           'disableAutomaticCreditCardProcessing' => 'disableautocc',
           'billingContactId' => 'billingcid',
           'creditCardType' => 'cardtype',
           'creditCardLastFourDigits' => 'cardlastfour',
           'creditCardExpiryDate' => 'expdate',
           'storedBankNameCrypt' => 'bankname',
           'storedBankTypeCrypt' => 'banktype',
           'storedBankCodeCrypt' => 'bankcode',
           'storedBankAccountCrypt' => 'bankacct',
           'paymentGatewayToken' => 'gatewayid',
           'lastLoginDate' => 'lastlogin',
           'lastLoginIp' => 'ip',
           'lastLoginHostname' => 'host',
           'passwordResetKey' => 'pwresetkey',
           'passwordResetKeyRequestDate' => 'pwresetexpiry',
           'passwordResetKeyExpiryDate' => 'pwresetexpiry',
          'timestamps' => true,
          'dates' => 
         array (
           0 => 'lastLoginDate',
           1 => 'passwordResetKeyRequestDate',
           2 => 'passwordResetKeyExpiryDate',
          'booleans' => 
         array (
           0 => 'taxExempt',
           1 => 'overrideLateFee',
           2 => 'overrideOverdueNotices',
           3 => 'separateInvoices',
           4 => 'disableAutomaticCreditCardProcessing',
           5 => 'emailOptOut',
           6 => 'marketingEmailsOptIn',
           7 => 'overrideAutoClose',
           8 => 'emailVerified',
          'casts' => 
         array (
           'email_preferences' => 'array',
          'unique' => 
         array (
           0 => 'email',
          'appends' => 
         array (
           0 => 'fullName',
           1 => 'displayName',
           2 => 'countryName',
           3 => 'groupName',
           4 => 'currencyCode',
          'fillable' => 
         array (
           0 => 'lastlogin',
           1 => 'ip',
           2 => 'host',
           3 => 'pwresetkey',
           4 => 'pwresetexpiry',
          'hidden' => 
         array (
           0 => 'password',
           1 => 'authdata',
           2 => 'securityqans',
           3 => 'cardnum',
           4 => 'startdate',
           5 => 'expdate',
           6 => 'issuenumber',
           7 => 'bankname',
           8 => 'banktype',
           9 => 'bankcode',
           10 => 'bankacct',
           11 => 'pwresetkey',
           12 => 'pwresetexpiry',
          'guardedForUpdate' => 
         array (
          'strings' => 
         array (
          'ints' => 
         array (
          'semanticVersions' => 
         array (
          'commaSeparated' => 
         array (
          'characterSeparated' => 
         array (
          'rules' => 
         array (
          'errors' => NULL,
          'customValidationMessages' => 
         array (
          'connection' => 'default',
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         array (
          'withCount' => 
         array (
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         array (
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           'companyname' => '',
           'email' => 'm@ddddddd.nu',
           'address1' => 'ddd 1',
           'address2' => '',
           'city' => 'Kingtown',
           'state' => 'dddd',
           'postcode' => '1111aa',
           'country' => 'NL',
           'phonenumber' => '+31.6 1111',
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           'authmodule' => '',
           'authdata' => '',
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           'defaultgateway' => '',
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           'datecreated' => '2020-10-04',
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           'allow_sso' => '1',
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           'created_at' => '2020-10-04 18:40:41',
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         array (
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           'email' => 'm@a.nu',
           'address1' => 'dsss 1',
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           'state' => 'dddd',
           'postcode' => '1111aa',
           'country' => 'NL',
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           'banktype' => '',
           'bankcode' => '',
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           'lastlogin' => '2020-10-07 11:22:11',
           'ip' => '',
           'status' => 'Active',
           'language' => '',
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   'suspendreason' => 'test',


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