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Licensing Addon


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Hello, I'm trying to use the addon: https://docs.whmcs.com/Licensing_Addon looks easy but I'm getting so many errors.  I using the examplo code file. 

But i'm getting the follows errors:

- Domain Invalid
- License Suspended
- License Suspended for Duplicate Trials Use (7,11)

My CODE in under here:

/**************** INICIO LICENCA ***************/
function meuCartaoPagamento_check_license($licensekey, $localkey='') {
    $whmcsurl = 'https://whmcs.meudominio.com.br/';
    $licensing_secret_key = 'secretKey';
    $localkeydays = 90;
    $allowcheckfaildays = 5;

    $check_token = time() . md5(mt_rand(100000000, mt_getrandmax()) . $licensekey);
    $checkdate = date("Ymd");
    $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
    $usersip = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : $_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'];
    $dirpath = dirname(__FILE__);
    $verifyfilepath = 'modules/servers/licensing/verify.php';
    $localkeyvalid = false;
    if ($localkey) {
        $localkey = str_replace("\n", '', $localkey); # Remove the line breaks
        $localdata = substr($localkey, 0, strlen($localkey) - 32); # Extract License Data
        $md5hash = substr($localkey, strlen($localkey) - 32); # Extract MD5 Hash
        if ($md5hash == md5($localdata . $licensing_secret_key)) {
            $localdata = strrev($localdata); # Reverse the string
            $md5hash = substr($localdata, 0, 32); # Extract MD5 Hash
            $localdata = substr($localdata, 32); # Extract License Data
            $localdata = base64_decode($localdata);
            $localkeyresults = json_decode($localdata, true);
            $originalcheckdate = $localkeyresults['checkdate'];
            if ($md5hash == md5($originalcheckdate . $licensing_secret_key)) {
                $localexpiry = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - $localkeydays, date("Y")));
                if ($originalcheckdate > $localexpiry) {
                    $localkeyvalid = true;
                    $results = $localkeyresults;
                    $validdomains = explode(',', $results['validdomain']);
                    if (!in_array($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $validdomains)) {
                        $localkeyvalid = false;
                        $localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
                        $results = array();
                    $validips = explode(',', $results['validip']);
                    if (!in_array($usersip, $validips)) {
                        $localkeyvalid = false;
                        $localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
                        $results = array();
                    $validdirs = explode(',', $results['validdirectory']);
                    if (!in_array($dirpath, $validdirs)) {
                        $localkeyvalid = false;
                        $localkeyresults['status'] = "Invalid";
                        $results = array();
    if (!$localkeyvalid) {
        $responseCode = 0;
        $postfields = array(
            'licensekey' => $licensekey,
            'domain' => $domain,
            'ip' => $usersip,
            'dir' => $dirpath,
        if ($check_token) $postfields['check_token'] = $check_token;
        $query_string = '';
        foreach ($postfields AS $k=>$v) {
            $query_string .= $k.'='.urlencode($v).'&';
        if (function_exists('curl_exec')) {
            $ch = curl_init();
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $whmcsurl . $verifyfilepath);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query_string);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
            $data = curl_exec($ch);
            $responseCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
        } else {
            $responseCodePattern = '/^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+)/';
            $fp = @fsockopen($whmcsurl, 80, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($fp) {
                $newlinefeed = "\r\n";
                $header = "POST ".$whmcsurl . $verifyfilepath . " HTTP/1.0" . $newlinefeed;
                $header .= "Host: ".$whmcsurl . $newlinefeed;
                $header .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" . $newlinefeed;
                $header .= "Content-length: ".@strlen($query_string) . $newlinefeed;
                $header .= "Connection: close" . $newlinefeed . $newlinefeed;
                $header .= $query_string;
                $data = $line = '';
                @stream_set_timeout($fp, 20);
                @fputs($fp, $header);
                $status = @socket_get_status($fp);
                while (!@feof($fp)&&$status) {
                    $line = @fgets($fp, 1024);
                    $patternMatches = array();
                    if (!$responseCode
                        && preg_match($responseCodePattern, trim($line), $patternMatches)
                    ) {
                        $responseCode = (empty($patternMatches[1])) ? 0 : $patternMatches[1];
                    $data .= $line;
                    $status = @socket_get_status($fp);
                @fclose ($fp);
        if ($responseCode != 200) {
            $localexpiry = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - ($localkeydays + $allowcheckfaildays), date("Y")));
            if ($originalcheckdate > $localexpiry) {
                $results = $localkeyresults;
            } else {
                $results = array();
                $results['status'] = "Invalid";
                $results['description'] = "Remote Check Failed";
                return $results;
        } else {
            preg_match_all('/<(.*?)>([^<]+)<\/\\1>/i', $data, $matches);
            $results = array();
            foreach ($matches[1] AS $k=>$v) {
                $results[$v] = $matches[2][$k];
        if (!is_array($results)) {
            die("Invalid License Server Response");
        if ($results['md5hash']) {
            if ($results['md5hash'] != md5($licensing_secret_key . $check_token)) {
                $results['status'] = "Invalid";
                $results['description'] = "MD5 Checksum Verification Failed";
                return $results;
        if ($results['status'] == "Active") {
            $results['checkdate'] = $checkdate;
            $data_encoded = json_encode($results);
            $data_encoded = base64_encode($data_encoded);
            $data_encoded = md5($checkdate . $licensing_secret_key) . $data_encoded;
            $data_encoded = strrev($data_encoded);
            $data_encoded = $data_encoded . md5($data_encoded . $licensing_secret_key);
            $data_encoded = wordwrap($data_encoded, 80, "\n", true);
            $results['localkey'] = $data_encoded;
        $results['remotecheck'] = true;
    return $results;

function meuCartaoPagamento_licenca($licensekey){
$localkey = "";
$base = __DIR__."/meuCartaoPagamento-licenca.txt";

    if (!file_exists($base)) {                           
        ///first check
        $results = meuCartaoPagamento_check_license($licensekey);
        $localkey = $results['localkey'];
        /// LER O ARQUIVO
        $handle = fopen($base, "r");
        if ($handle) {
            $txt = explode("::", trim(fgets($handle)));

            if($txt == false){
                $licensekey = $txt[0];
                $localkey = $txt[1]; 
                $results = meuCartaoPagamento_check_license($licensekey, $localkey);

    if(isset($results['localkey']) && $results['status'] == "Active"){
         $textfile = fopen($base, "w") or die("Não foi possível abrir o arquivo.");
         $contents = $licensekey."::".$results['localkey']."::".date('Y h:i:s A');
         fwrite($textfile, $contents);

    // Interpret response
    switch ($results['status']) {
        case "Active":
            return "Active";
        case "Invalid":
            return "Invalid". print_r($results, true)."TxtFile:".$licensekey."::".$localkey;
        case "Expired":
            //die("Chave de Licença Expirada");
            return "Expired". print_r($results, true);
        case "Suspended":
            //die("Chave de Licença Suspensa");
            return "Suspended". print_r($results, true);
            //die("Resposta Inválida");
            return "Erro". print_r($results, true);
/**************** FIM LICENCA ***************/


To stop the errors i disabled the domain check. So my products details is:



But I still getting error, any help will be appreciated. My Check code is right? 



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