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Translation additionaldomainfields .es

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Hello, I want to edit the names shown here.
I have created the file additionalfields.php and I have copied the content translating the names of the expandable ones, but when uploading it to the server it does not work, can you give me indications of how to do this?

$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Type", "LangVar" => "estldidformtype", "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => "Other Identification,Tax Identification Number,Tax Identification Code,Foreigner Identification Number", "Default" => "Other Identification",);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Number", "LangVar" => "estldidformnum", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "30", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array(
"Name" => "Legal Form",
"LangVar" => "estldlegalform",
"Type" => "dropdown",
"Options" => implode(
'39|Economic Interest Grouping',
'59|Sports Association',
'68|Professional Association',
'124|Savings Bank',
'150|Community Property',
'152|Community of Owners',
'164|Order or Religious Institution',
'197|Public Law Association',
'229|Local Authority',
'269|Sports Federation',
'365|Mutual Insurance Company',
'434|Regional Government Body',
'436|Central Government Body',
'439|Political Party',
'476|Trade Union',
'510|Farm Partnership',
'524|Public Limited Company',
'554|Civil Society',
'560|General Partnership',
'562|General and Limited Partnership',
'608|Worker-owned Company',
'612|Limited Company',
'713|Spanish Office',
'717|Temporary Alliance of Enterprises',
'744|Worker-owned Limited Company',
'745|Regional Public Entity',
'746|National Public Entity',
'747|Local Public Entity',
'878|Designation of Origin Supervisory Council',
'879|Entity Managing Natural Areas',
"Default" => "1|Individual",


$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Type", "LangVar" => "estldidformtype", "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => "NIF,CIF,NIE,Otro", "Default" => "NIF",);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Number", "LangVar" => "estldidformnum", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "30", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array(
"Name" => "Legal Form",
"LangVar" => "estldlegalform",
"Type" => "dropdown",
"Options" => implode(
'39|Agrupación de intereses económicos',
'59|Asociación Deportiva',
'68|Asociación Profesional',
'124|Caja de Ahorros',
'150|Propiedad comunitaria',
'152|Comunidad de propietarios',
'164|Orden o institución religiosa',
'197|Asociación de Derecho Público',
'229|Autoridad local',
'269|Federación Deportiva',
'365|Compañia de seguros',
'434|Cuerpo Gobierno regional',
'436|Organismo del Gobierno Central',
'439|Partido político',
'510|Asociación agrícola',
'524|Compañía pública limitada',
'554|Sociedad civil',
'560|Sociedad General',
'562|Asociación general y limitada',
'608|Empresa propiedad de los trabajadores',
'612|Sociedad Limitada',
'713|Oficina española',
'717|Alianza Temporal de Empresas',
'744|Empresa de propiedad del trabajador',
'745|Entidad Pública Regional',
'746|Entidad Pública Nacional',
'747|Entidad Pública Local',
'877|Consejo de Supervisión de la Denominación de Origen',
'878|Entidad Administración Áreas Naturales',
"Default" => "1|Particular",

when uploading the file additionalfields.php the page remains blank.

Any help on this?



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  On 6/3/2019 at 3:51 PM, stampao said:

Hello, I want to edit the names shown here.
I have created the file additionalfields.php and I have copied the content translating the names of the expandable ones, but when uploading it to the server it does not work, can you give me indications of how to do this?


it isn't mentioned in the documentation page (so you weren't to know), but perhaps the step that you missed out was adding <?php to the beginning of the file (as it's a php file)...

# ES

$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Type", "LangVar" => "estldidformtype", "Type" => "dropdown", "Options" => "NIF,CIF,NIE,Otro", "Default" => "NIF",);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array("Name" => "ID Form Number", "LangVar" => "estldidformnum", "Type" => "text", "Size" => "30", "Default" => "", "Required" => true,);
$additionaldomainfields[".es"][] = array(
"Name" => "Legal Form",
"LangVar" => "estldlegalform",
"Type" => "dropdown",
"Options" => implode(
'39|Agrupación de intereses económicos',
'59|Asociación Deportiva',
'68|Asociación Profesional',
'124|Caja de Ahorros',
'150|Propiedad comunitaria',
'152|Comunidad de propietarios',
'164|Orden o institución religiosa',
'197|Asociación de Derecho Público',
'229|Autoridad local',
'269|Federación Deportiva',
'365|Compañia de seguros',
'434|Cuerpo Gobierno regional',
'436|Organismo del Gobierno Central',
'439|Partido político',
'510|Asociación agrícola',
'524|Compañía pública limitada',
'554|Sociedad civil',
'560|Sociedad General',
'562|Asociación general y limitada',
'608|Empresa propiedad de los trabajadores',
'612|Sociedad Limitada',
'713|Oficina española',
'717|Alianza Temporal de Empresas',
'744|Empresa de propiedad del trabajador',
'745|Entidad Pública Regional',
'746|Entidad Pública Nacional',
'747|Entidad Pública Local',
'877|Consejo de Supervisión de la Denominación de Origen',
'878|Entidad Administración Áreas Naturales',
"Default" => "1|Particular",


you could translate ID Form Type, Number and Legal Form into Spanish if you wanted to too... in fact, you could make it English for everyone other than those using Spanish as their language... however, that's probably irrelevant as anyone wanting to register a .es domain, will likely speak Spanish! drapespagne2.gif

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  On 6/5/2019 at 7:11 PM, stampao said:

Hello, the problem is that the translation seems to work, but when you fill in the fields and you continue, the page goes blank.


if I remotely test it on a 7.7.1 dev, using Six & Standard Cart, then i'm not getting a blank screen - entering details and pressing continues takes me to View Cart as normal.

are you using a custom theme and/or orderform ?

one thing to try would to to copy the original English fields from dist.additionalfields.php to additionalfields.php and see if they cause a blank screen - if they don't, then start translating them line and line until you find the issue... if the original English fields when added to additionalfield.php don't work, then something else must be going wrong - maybe an utf8 encoding issue in the file, maybe a template issue...

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Hello, I copied the contents of dist.additionalfields.php for .es extension in additionalfield.php, I use the Six template and Standard Cart, I have re-uploaded the files for these templates, but it does not work, when adding additionalfield.php and register the domain .es when I put the data and I give the next blank page and not the order cart.


I do not know what to do...


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