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WGS Cloudflare WHMCS Module V4.1.4 Released


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Hi All, 

We are pleased to inform you that we have launched another version of our Cloudflare WHMCS module. This version has brought a lot of new features for Web hosting providers as well as your clients. 

So, lets discuss all those features now: 

After we came to know that Cloudflare Official WHMCS plugin is not more supported by Cloudflare team. We take a step forward to create a Cloudflare solution for all the WHMCS users that supports all the versions of WHMCS including 7.5.1 and Beta 7.6 ;)


How our CloudFlare WHMCS Module Helps Admin?

> It gives you an option to resell the Clouflare services, whether FREE or Paid. 

> When your client purchased Cloudlfare service from your website, our module automatically creates a user account on Cloudflare and register the customer domain there. 

> Our module automatically updates nameservers on Domain Registrar, without manually doing it. 

> You can now add Cloudflare service as a product addon, and increase chances of your purchases.

> DNSSEC and Cname Flatten features are added in this version. 


How our Cloudflare WHMCS Module helps your clients?

> We provided a friendly User interface for your clients to manage all the Cloudflare settings in their client area, so no need to visit Cloudflare dashboard to manage settings. 

> Your clients can see a detailed analytics of the traffic in the client area, which is a plus point for them. 

> They can easily manage Cloudflare DNS and IP setting in the client area. 

> They can manage Cloudflare Firewall settings in the client area. 

> Your users can optimize the speed and Caching of the website. 

> They have the options to Upgrade or Downgrade the Cloudflare plan from Client area itself. 

> Other things they can manage are as follows: 

  • Scrap Shield Settings
  • Cyrpto Settings


To Know more about module, visit: https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/2146













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We are pleased to announce the another update of Cloudflare WHMCS reseller module Version : v5.0.7 out now.

#New Features
1. Added setting to enable CF DNS Manager with domain registration

#Bug fixes
1. Fixed domain list display issue
2. Fixed info@ user email issue during Cloudflare partner user account creation
3. Fixed if domain is already exists with another WHMCS user


1. Added pagination to show all Cloudflare domains on clientarea.


Product link : https://whmcsglobalservices.com/whmcs-cloudflare-module/


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Dear All the Community Members,


We are pleased to announce the new update of Cloudflare reseller WHMCS Module. Please find the below changelog:- 

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved DNS bundle provisioning issue.
  • Fixed free plan activation instead of Pro during new orders.


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