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13 hours ago, Guilherme Linhares said:

Hello, i need hidden the link register in secundarysidebar.

there are two ways to do this...

1. if you don't want clients to register without ordering, you can remove the "Register" option from the admin settings by unticking the checkbox below and that will remove the link...

setup -> general settings -> other -> Allow Client Registration

Opções -> Configurações Gerais -> Outros -> Permitir Registro de Cliente


2. if you just want to remove the link in the secondary sidebar, you can use an action hook - so create a new .php file in /includes/hooks, call it 'registerlink.php' (or whatever you want) and paste the following code into it.


use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaSecondaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $secondaryNavbar)
	if (!is_null($secondaryNavbar->getChild('Account'))) {

you won't need to use both solutions - so just choose which is best for your situation. :idea:

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