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Direct Debit Gateway Help


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I will post my modul in the near future. I will only do some updates... and in the last time I was to busy.


com2 and some others will use the spanish bank format. That will I also integrate before I post the module here.


mdkock: What format do you use in South Africa?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think I will make it available for the community, but im not 100% sure. At first I will update some features for me. Where are you from? Because this tool work in moment only with the german bank format.


Hallo Tobii,


finde leider die PM Funktion nicht. Auch wir haben Interesse an dem Modul Lastschrift.

Kannst Du uns ein paar Infos geben?





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tobii,


I think you are german like me, but i will write in english here...


did you already decide if you want to share your debit-extension with the community?


I cant contact you via email, so i would be very pleased if you could contact me because of your direct-debit extension.


We discount only in two ways with our customers:

direct-debit and bank-transfer

so its necessary for us to find a solution to use this.


Thank you very much!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but is it possible to have an english version of this module developed that collects ONLY the clients bank data that we will process manually.


All we need to collect is their bank details, account name/holder etc and store in the WHMCS database where we will then retrieve the information for manual processing via our bank.


If anyone has something available or can offer some solution, feel free to contact me :)




Dale E

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  • 5 months later...

I too would like to offer Direct Debit for the UK. There are some web based direct debit gateways but I would like something that integrates with whmcs.


Couple of questions:

1. Does anyone know of a good direct debit gateway in the UK?

2. I am prepared to contribute to the creation of a module to work with one of these, anyone interested?

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Couple of quick things to add here. Dale, if you want to simply collect the bank details and process manually, just add some custom fields to the profile.


As for DD actually working in the UK, all banks actually use the same system as the whole thing is regulated by http://www.bacs.co.uk/Bacs/corporate/ and everyone uses BACSTEL-IP http://www.bacs.co.uk/NR/rdonlyres/9810123C-FE9A-4FD5-826F-DE07DE56E11E/0/BIP48_Implementationguide_05.pdf to integrate.


What happens then is that other companies offer different and frankly confusing services for access and integration with accounting and CRM systems. I have found one company that is approved BACS software and that would appear to be a good way to go for integration http://www.di-international.com/products2/Bacsip.aspx?gclid=CMjWstm6jpgCFUse3god7XQJCw.

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I have exchanged emails with two groups now who have expressed an interest in getting their gateways to work with whmcs, Direct Interchange and citymain.


Direct Interchange thoughts:

We are definitely interested in what you are suggesting. We do not have any knowledge of whms but if the file formats that whms creates are straightforward, e.g. csv or fixed length fields, then It may be the case that the integration features of our product are such that there is very little to do. Can you please let me know what formats they are and perhaps send a sample file.


Most of the integration we would do for requirements like this is loosely coupled integration using folder monitoring. This is highly effective and easy to set up.


It might be that all that is needed is the defining of a folder I order to tell Bacs IP for Free where the data will be picked up from.


I would suggest that you download our free trial and have a look . It is remarkably easy to set up.


Citymain's thoughts:

I would suggest that we offer you the facility to submit data using our secure web service.


This is just a method of submitting the data to us real-time. The web service returns a value to you that is either a unique DD reference number (a positive integer) or an error code (negative integer). We provide you with a cross-reference table of error responses so that you may provide a meaningful response to your customer.


Our web service validates the bank account; sort code; bank account AT the sort code; and bank account type (not all bank accounts can accept DD collections – e.g. Giro accounts).


Please let me know if this sounds appropriate to your requirements and I can send you the latest specification of the web service, with example calls and code. Could you please advise which programming language you are using?



Me again, I will have one of our programmers take a look at both options and see if one of them stands out as the easiest/simplest route to take. If anyone else has time, please also take a look and add your findings to this thread.

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