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WHMCS presales questions



Hello, I found this software to do what i want, but I want to be absolutely sure before purchasing.


1. I have 3 short domains like xx.xx, yy.yy, zz.zz: Is it possible to sell subdomains using the 3 domains as per user choice?

2. If it is possible, will it give the customer full ownership on that subdomain ? Like he can add his own dns to use his web hosting ?

3. Are there any recurring payment for paypal? Considering using paypal as a payment processor.

4. How can I configure WHMCS to use my domains as a registration option? I currently do not have any others to offer, just these 3.

5. Is the subdomain registration period default for 1 year and then expires as a normal domain should?

6. Can the subdomain be transferred from one account to another ?


Thank you.

Edited by cipcip
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2 answers to this question

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1. I have 3 short domains like xx.xx, yy.yy, zz.zz: Is it possible to sell subdomains using the 3 domains as per user choice?

yes - but in WHMCS, subdomains are not treated in the same way as "normal" domains - they're sold as products, not domains in their own right.


2. If it is possible, will it give the customer full ownership on that subdomain ? Like he can add his own dns to use his web hosting ?

it depends what you mean by full ownership - you can't use WHMCS to run a registry like CentralNIC do for us.com etc - even if on a much smaller scale.


3. Are there any recurring payment for paypal? Considering using paypal as a payment processor.

if you mean will you be charged a monthly fee, no.


4. How can I configure WHMCS to use my domains as a registration option? I currently do not have any others to offer, just these 3.



Subdomain Options - Enter a domain in the format ".yourdomain.com" if you want to offer a free subdomain option for the domain at signup. You can offer more than one by entering a comma separated list, eg. ".yourdomain.com,.yourdomain.net"


5. Is the subdomain registration period default for 1 year and then expires as a normal domain should?

because the subdomain is associated with a product, it can be for 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 or 36 months...and renewed.


6. Can the subdomain be transferred from one account to another ?

i'll say yes and no to this one....


yes - you can move the subdomain product between WHMCS clients....

but don't think of these subdomains as 'proper' domains... e.g there's no whois server lookup where I can see who owns "brian.xx.xx",

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Thank you for the input Brian.


Yes, I wanted to have like a small registrant service, like cc.cc does.

At step number 3, I was referring as recurring payment for the subdomain, the product in this case as it's called.


If these subdomains are stored in the database, I can make a small php script to read if they are there or not, as taken or available, but it depends on how the sql tables are mad.e

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