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Limit Client registration


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With stock (default) whmcs? No, this is not possible

However, it's not terribly hard to whip up a hook to do this. Here you go.


Step 1: Save the following as whmcs/includes/hooks/registrationlimit.php . Make sure to edit the $reglimit variable to your taste. I set it at 5 to test and ensure that it worked.

This will add one query to every page load that an unregistered user makes. Pretty light, honestly

use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;
function client_registration_limit($vars)
$displayTitle = $vars['displayTitle'];

//how many clients do we allow? Specify here
$reglimit = '100';

//do we already have a registered account? Then we do nothing else
$uid  = $_SESSION['uid'];
if (!empty($uid))

	//assign the variable here
	$rows = Capsule::table('tblclients')->select('id') ->WHERE ('status', '=', 'Active')  ->count();
	if ($rows >= $reglimit)
		$return = array();
		$return = array("noregister" => "TRUE");
		return $return;


add_hook('ClientAreaPage', 1, "client_registration_limit");




Step two:

in whmcs/lang/overrides (if the directory doesnt exist, create it), add english.php, renaming to your language, of course. Again, adjust language to your taste. This is only an example

/*language file for the whmcs hooks*/

$_LANG['clientareregistrationlocked'] = "Client registration is temporarily disabled, as we are at capacity. Please try again at a later time<p>If you are already registered, please <a href=\"./login.php\">Login</a> to order services from us</p>";



Step 3: in your whmcs/templates/yourtemplate/ directory, add a file named clientnoregister.tpl with the following:

<div class="row">
               <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">
                       <div class="panel panel-danger">
                               <div class="panel-heading">
                                               <h3 class="panel-title">{$LANG.clientregistertitle}</h3>
                               <div class="panel-body">
                               <div class="panel-footer">
                                       <a href="clientarea.php?action=productdetails&id={$id}" class="btn res-100 btn-3d btn-primary">{$LANG.clientareabacklink}</a>


Step 4:at the top of whmcs/templates/yourtemplate/clientregister.tpl, before anything else, add

{if $noregister}
               {include file="$template/clientnoregister.tpl"}


Step 5: At the bottom of whmcs/templates/yourtemplate/clientregister, after everything else, add



Step 6: repeat steps 4 and 5 for your orderform , in whmcs/templates/orderforms/yourorderform/checkout.tpl . If whmcs/templates/orderforms/yourorderform/checkout.tpl doesn't exist, then apply the changes to whmcs/templates/orderforms/standard_cart/checkout.tpl


You want to make sure that you save your orderforms and template to a new template and orderform, and select those to be used, to prevent overwriting custom work done. It's not a ton of custom work, but it is a little bit. Hooks will never be overwritten.

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