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Change order text


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Hi James,


if you want to change the text, then you can use Language Overrides.




if you look in /lang/english.php, it will contain the following entries...


$_LANG['homebegin'] = "Begin the search for your perfect domain name...";
$_LANG['howcanwehelp'] = "How can we help today?";
$_LANG['exampledomain'] = "eg. example.com";
$_LANG['buyadomain'] = "Buy A Domain";
$_LANG['orderhosting'] = "Order Hosting";
$_LANG['makepayment'] = "Make Payment";
$_LANG['getsupport'] = "Get Support";

now you don't edit these entries directly, instead you replace them using Language Overrides - the above documentation will tell you how. :idea:


with regards to the colour of the bar, in your template (e.g six)/css/custom.css add...


.home-shortcuts {
   background: #c0c0c0 none repeat scroll 0 0;
   color: #fff;
   margin: 0;

it might require additional css changes depending on what you want to do - the source css file is styles.css, but don't edit that file, add your changes to custom.css :idea:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scrap the top one,



any way to get the top logo to shift left alot more so it fits in the screen nicely . it seems to be going to the right abit too much



Also any idea how to change the colour of the Navbar in the middle where home,Annoucements, knowledge is to match same colour as the one below



Thanks for the help :)

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to take them in reverse, the navbar colour is....


.navbar-main {
   background-color: #006687;
   border: 0 none;    font-size: 15px;
   margin-bottom: 0;
   min-height: 38px;

just add it to your custom.css and change the background-color to whatever colour your shortcuts bar is using (e.g dark grey / almost black).


with regards to the logo, I think it's starting in the correct place, e.g as far left as it can be without widening the page / header.


difficult to tell without seeing the live site, but have you considered making the background colour of the header black (or whatever the logo bg shade actually is)... e.g just change #fff to your logo bg colour...


section#header {
   background: #fff none repeat scroll 0 0;    border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 10px 0;

then the user shouldn't be able to detect where the bg starts and the logo begins... you might need to end up resizing/cropping the logo, but it might be a valid solution to your issue. :idea:

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