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How to display the yearly prices instead of the monthly prices?


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I am using the latest "Six" theme on WHMCS 6.2 and the prices for a specific service are showing with the most expensive value (monthly) when I would like to display the cheapest value (yearly).

Price example per month:

12 months = $100

6 months = $110

3 months = $120

1 month = $130

It is displaying as "Only 130/mo" when I would prefer "Starting from 100/month" as it is common in many websites.

Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

Thank you.

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You will have to learn a bit of Smarty coding and edit /templates/(your template)/orderforms/(your order form)/products.tpl


I don't quite remember what was there originally so can't tell you which variable to add or edit.


If you add the smarty debug code you can see all available variables and their values. That's all the information on that I am giving, you need to learn about it and understand it before you use it.

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Please let me know if there is a way to do this.

take a look at the tutorial in the thread below...




I haven't updated the tutorial for standard_cart yet (I will when I get the chance), but all the older orderform templates should be covered - the principle would still work for v6+, so if you run into an issue, let me know.

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