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Menu custom v6


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logged prntscr.com/8tv7eo

not logged prntscr.com/8tv7mj


It is showing the customer menus even off.

how to solve?






use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar)

if (is_null($client)) {
$primaryNavbar->addChild('Meus Serviços')

if (is_null($client)) {
$primaryNavbar->addChild('Meus Domínios')

if (is_null($client)) {
$primaryNavbar->addChild('Minhas Faturas')
if (is_null($client)) {
$primaryNavbar->addChild('Meus Tickets')

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Support'))) {

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Services'))) {

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Billing'))) {
if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Domains'))) {



Edited by Infopro
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you haven't defined the $client variable in the hook, so you need to do that...


the start of the hook should be...



use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar)
$client = Menu::context('client');

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I added the line, however, the menu appears only for those who are not logged in.


- - - Updated - - -


Logged http://prntscr.com/8u439t

Not logged http://prntscr.com/8u431x



However, only appears when you are not logged in.







use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;


add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar)


$client = Menu::context('client');


// only add menu item when no client logged in

if (is_null($client)) {






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i'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do, but I think you want to remove the dropdown menus from the client area.


if so, the best way would be to remove the children using a hook... the next best way, would be to do what you have tried and remove the menu parts with dropdowns and add them again.


try the following...



use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar)
$client = Menu::context('client'); 

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Support'))) {

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Services'))) {

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Billing'))) {
if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Domains'))) {

if (!is_null($client)) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navservices'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=services',
               'order' => '10',

if (!is_null($client)) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navdomains'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=domains',
               'order' => '20',

if (!is_null($client)) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navbilling'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=invoices',
               'order' => '30',

if (!is_null($client)) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navbilling'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=invoices',
               'order' => '30',

if (!is_null($client)) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navtickets'),
               'uri' => 'supporttickets.php',
               'order' => '40',


if I use the above hook and change the language to Portugese-br, I see...




you might not even need to check if the client is logged in, so the following simpler hook might work too...



use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;

add_hook('ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar', 1, function (MenuItem $primaryNavbar)

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Support'))) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navtickets'),
               'uri' => 'supporttickets.php',
               'order' => '40',

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Services'))) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navservices'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=services',
               'order' => '10',

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Billing'))) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navbilling'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=invoices',
               'order' => '30',

if (!is_null($primaryNavbar->getChild('Domains'))) {
               'label' => Lang::trans('navdomains'),
               'uri' => 'clientarea.php?action=domains',
               'order' => '20',


if you want to change the text in the above menu, do not use a hook - use Language Overrides...




the above documentation will tell you in more detail, but create a folder in the "lang" directory and call it "overrides" - inside this folder, add a new file called portuguese-br.php and add the following code to it...


$_LANG['navservices'] = "Meus Serviços";
$_LANG['navdomains'] = "Meus Domínios";
$_LANG['navbilling'] = "Minhas Faturas";
$_LANG['navtickets'] = "Meus Tickets";

and then your client area menu should look like...



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