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Invoice question


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Is there a way not to generate invoice on order and that is not sent to client.

Only when order is marked as paid that invoice is generated and sent to client?


I ask because when invoice is created I have to pay tax for it even if it is not paid so if you have any idea how to solve this?




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also I have found this:


function disable_00_invoices($vars) {

  $email_template_name = $vars['messagename']; # Email template name being sent
  $relid = $vars['relid']; # Related ID it's being sent for - client ID, invoice ID, etc...

  //Checking for certain template name, if so - this is our case
  if ($email_template_name == "Invoice Created" || $email_template_name == "Invoice Payment Confirmation")
      //getting total of the invoice
      $result = select_query('tblinvoices', 'total', array("id" => $relid));
      $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
      //if it is equal to '0.00' we disable email sending
      if (isset($data['total']) && $data['total'] == '0.00')
      $merge_fields['abortsend'] = true;

  return $merge_fields;



But it only stops sending 0,00 invoices but it generates invoice, how to stop generating invoice with 0,00?

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I think there is a checkbox that you can tick to disable the sending of invoice emails on order.


Setup -> General Settings -> Ordering -> No Invoice Email on Order


No Invoice Email on Order


Ticking this option will stop the Invoice Created and Invoice Due emails from sending when a new order is placed. An invoice will still be generated, use this option to reduce the number of emails clients receive.

I don't think you can easily stop it creating any invoices when the client orders - although from the admin side, you can disable invoice creation when creating a new order...

Edited by brian!
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I doubt you can easily prevent billing software from actually billing - it's a core feature! :)


if you have a cron job running, WHMCS will automatically creating renewal invoices in a month/year time - have you thought about how you will handle them?

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