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First time product settup


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Hello, I am new to WHMCS and will like to setup all my actual customers. I am trying to settup each customer´s products and services but I can not find a way to do it with out being billed to customer. Is there a way to do it with out billing customer since this are products and services customer paid before WHMCS integration so there is no need to charge customer again. How can I do it? I appreciate your suggestions and colaboration. Juan

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Hi Juan,


when you use the "Add New Order" to setup your customer's products, remember to untick the "Order Confirmation" and "Generate Invoice" checkboxes.




Once the client has been added, you can proceed to add their hosting accounts. You do this as follows:


  1. On the client summary page, click the "Add New Order" link in the Actions panel
  2. The client will be preselected, so you should fill out the rest of the form - begin by choosing the payment gateway you want the client to pay with
  3. Next, choose the product/service and billing cycle the client pays by
  4. If the package comes with a domain, enter the users domain in the box provided. And if the domain is registered with you, you should select the "Register" option and choose any addons the user has for their domain.
  5. Ensure both tick boxes for sending an order confirmation and generating an invoice are unchecked so the user is not emailed about the order you are adding
  6. Finally, set the Order Status dropdown to Active and then click the submit button to add the order to WHMCS
  7. You will now been shown the order screen summarising the details of the order you just added
  8. Now as the final step, you must go into the products and/or domains page and set the correct next due date. To do this, from the order screen, click on the link in the Item column of the items ordered - this will take you straight to the details screen. From there, you can edit the next due payment date (and for hosting accounts select the correct server and enter the username for the account to allow suspensions & terminations to be performed by WHMCS)

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