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Widget issues with Namecheap


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Namecheap's API allows for grabbing info that can be displayed in WHMCs. I find it useful to have a list of expiring domains from there right on the admin homepage, so need to make a widget. Previously, I could do a foreach against the data returned from the call, and echo it all on the page. Worked fine. With upgrading to 5.2.8, I find I need to make a widget for this. I can get it to run and return data, but it will only display one domain (currently 8 are on that list) of the entire list. I know the data is accurate, because I can print_r on the command and see them all, but not within the widget block.


This works when not in a widget (truncated for this post, obviously):

foreach ($xml->CommandResponse->DomainGetListResult->Domain as $result)  {
echo "<strong><span id='smalltext'>".$result['Name'].": ".$result['Expires']."</span></strong><br />";

It would display this:

domain.com: 10/10/2013

domain2.com: 10/12/2013


Does anyone know how to get a similar result passed to the $content var in a widget? My meager PHP skills aren't cutting it.

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Figured it out.

Instantiate $content earlier in the script with $content =''; then have the lines like so:


foreach ($xml->CommandResponse->DomainGetListResult->Domain as $result)  {
$name = $result['Name'];
$expires = $result['Expires'];
$content .= "<strong><span id='smalltext'>".$name.": ".$expires."</span></strong><br />";

With that in the foreach, it shows them all. This could probably be cleaned up quite a bit, but as long as it's working, moving on.

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