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How to charge


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I have set the period to bill my customers on the 15 of each month.

An account of one of my customer had his account suspended and made a payment today and the account has unsuspended. How to charge the days of service until the next 15 when the billing period start with a new invoice?


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it doesnt work like that, the service period is paid for on one an invoice, That means that the client has paid you for service from 14th this month to 14th next month.


If your client has paid extra to cover service to date then you can either refund the excess or apply an account credit and it will be applied to the next generated invoice. That depends on your terms and conditions/clients wishes as to which you go with.


If you are talking about pro-rata invoicing, this is something that really only affects a new order. You choose the date you want to charge on, then you decide a date after which the next month will be applied also.




Charge 15th

Apply next month from 5th.


so any client that orders on say, the 7th will pay the appropriate fee for 7th to 14th plus the next months charge.


In essence a £4.00 service might have something like £5.50 to pay, After that all invoices will be the standard rate.


I dont prorata at all. My clients order 15th their next invoice will be 15th next month. The only exception is where they have an active order, then i manually align the service due dates where possible. Usually this means they get some of their first month for free.




To clarify your original post, you dont need to do anything, the system will generate invoices as and when they are needed, with the exception of if you tell the system to continue generating or not when an invoice is over due. In this case i would have it set to off, if an account is suspended for so much time that it is time to renew then you should be looking at termination.

Edited by CDJ Hosting
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Happened that my client was suspended, and the bill was activated again with the payment, but from now until the 15th, when generating the new bill, those days are lost and I must manually load to the new cycle.


I consider putting a fixed date to generate invoices for products or services to all my customers is not the correct way.

Edited by daferub
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Im a little lost as to how you go to this point.


What are your automation settings.

Invoice generation:

suspend days:

terminate days:


Prorata billing: Y/N

Date to charge next month:


Setup > general > Invoices:

Do you have Continuous Invoice Generation checked?


If not the last one could be your problem. If an account is suspended and you are not terminating you should probably continue generation. You can always cancel the invoices if you terminate.

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yes it puzzles me too it what he is after.


If a clients invoice is due on say 15th Feb for server from 15 feb to 15 march and becomes overdue so gets suspended. 7 days after suspension the client pays the invoice and becomes unsuspended. You have lost no days revenue as the client paid using the invoice, so his next invoice will be due on 15 march as normal

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That was the conclusion i came to also easyhosting, The only way i can see for any lost days and this is hypothetical.


If the continuous invoice generation and termination are off and the invoice was paid extremely late and overlapping the next period and the invoices are set to prorate. In other words the overlap caused a prorate invoice because of the other settings being off. I have to say this is a very flimsy hypothetical but I cannot see any other reason for this occurring.


If this is the case then all I can see is you need to adjust those settings to prevent any future recurrence and cut your losses on this invoice.


Unless its a lot of money your losing because of this, in which case you might be better to approach your client and work out a solution with them. Of course you have to let them know the fault was your own but also that they have some part in it due to the very late invoice payment.


If you don't want to change other settings, at least turn off the un-suspend on paid setting. At least this will allow you to manually handle the invoicing and ensure everything is correct before your client gets an invoice. As it is you might struggle with this one.

Edited by CDJ Hosting
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