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WHMCS / php 5.5 ?


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A quick question -- I think i know the answer already, but if there is a way around this, please let me know:


For a new, fresh install of WHMCS on a new server that is dedicated to just run the domain with WHMCS, we were thinking of using CentOS 6.4 with PHP 5.5 (and MySQL 5.5). But "ionCube Loaders" supporting PHP 5.5 do not seem to exist. Am I correct that a WHMCS install is therefore not supported, and that we better go with PHP 5.4 ?




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Why would you expect there to ioncube loaders for php5.5?



The PHP development team announces the release of the second beta of PHP 5.5.0. This release fixes some bugs from beta one that could prevent the release from compiling.


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>> Why would you expect there to ioncube loaders for php5.5?


barco57, can you clarify your comment above?

I do not understand what you are trying to say.




He's stating this because PHP released 5.5 recently and has a specific disclaimer to not use it in production environments:


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Thank You Chris.

Yes, exactly....the ioncube developers won't create loaders for 5.5 until php5.5 is stable rather than in beta, and they probably will have to write encoders for it first, so there is something to decode......

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There will require quite a bit of code refactoring to make way for PHP5.5 support. However it's definitely on the board.

Good to know that WHMCS are on top of things as usual. Might want to have a look at MySQL strict mode support while you're at it, it's been the default on modern MySQL installations for some years and causes all sorts of random INSERT issues until it's disabled.

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