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Turn Captcha Off For Domain Searches?


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Do you want it disabled entirely, or just for that one page? If just that one page, simply edit the .tpl files removing:


       {if $capatacha}
       <div class="captchainput">
           {if $capatacha eq "recaptcha"}
           <p><img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle" /> <input type="text" name="code" class="input-small" maxlength="5" /></p>


If you want it globally, WHMCS >> Setup >> General >> Security Tabs

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  • 3 weeks later...
  WHMCS Chris said:


Do you want it disabled entirely, or just for that one page? If just that one page, simply edit the .tpl files removing:


       {if $capatacha}
       <div class="captchainput">
           {if $capatacha eq "recaptcha"}
           <p><img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle" /> <input type="text" name="code" class="input-small" maxlength="5" /></p>


If you want it globally, WHMCS >> Setup >> General >> Security Tabs


This doesn't appear to work when the when the code is removed from the homepage.tpl.


I also have the Domain search added to the "homepage.tpl", when that code is removed, it always returns with "The characters you entered didn't match the image shown. Please try again."



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  • 1 year later...

Go to your


Domainchecker.tpl file within your templates folder.


Once within this file go to lines 28 to 37 which should be the following code.


        {if $capatacha}
       <div class="captchainput">
           {if $capatacha eq "recaptcha"}
           <p><img src="includes/verifyimage.php" align="middle" /> <input type="text" name="code" class="input-small" maxlength="5" /></p>


Remove that bit of code and save the template file.


Now go into your WHMCS Admin Panel


Go to the Setup Tab then General Settings


Click on the Security Tab there select weather you want Captcha Form Protection...


Always On (code shown to ensure human submission)

Off when logged in

Always Off


Save and your good to go.


- - - Updated - - -


Another note... If you do not use "Always OFF" for captcha then in the domainchecker.tpl you will also have to remove lines


3 to 7


{if $inccode}
<div class="alert alert-error textcenter">


- - - Updated - - -


Scratch that last note sorry, tired haha.

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  • 2 months later...

I just hit this after finding out Captcha was causing grief for prospective clients. In General -> Security I have captcha set to 'off when logged in'

I tried the tpl edits that Viggit posted above and whilst they remove the capture from the domainchecker page, they also make the domain checker not do it's job! With the code above removed, you can enter a domain into the input field, click check availability and it appears to go off and check it... but then when it's returned there's no availability shown - just the price table magically appearing.


What am I missing, or are the instructions above wrong?


At the moment I've had to set captcha to 'always off' but I'd prefer to not have to do this!

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