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CURL Error: 7 - couldn't connect to host at httpapi.com:443


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Firstly, our IP are added in API already for a long time. And I put them again too.

Secondly, the full error message is


CURL Error: 7 - couldn't connect to host at httpapi.com:443 (IP: We have removed the .asp version of this script from our website. Please click here to learn about our new "Automation" services. & xx.xxx.xxx.xxx)


where xx.xxx.xxx.xxx is our WHMCS installation IP address.


This happens with our accounts in ResellerClub, NetearthOne and Resell.biz, all are using LogicBox platform. So, I don't know if this is because of WHMCS or LogicBox?


Is there anyone having the same error right now?



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I'm having no issues with ResellerClub. Where/when are you getting this error?


In WHMCS of course. Just choose a domain that is under RC, then WHMCS will shows error. Don't you have it? I am still facing to it right now.

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