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WHMCS paid upgrade service killed my install - I'm panicking


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The title says it all. If anybody can help me, please PM (professionals and amateurs are both welcome).


One hour ago, Vijay from WHMCS was "pleased to advise that the upgrade of your WHMCS installation has now been completed".


Except he didn't check if the site actually worked!!! Not the client area, not the admin. Nothing.


He mentioned this in passing:


I notice a "Restricted" message on the client area which could be due to a third party module / hook if not set by you. To resolve this, try renaming the .php extension to something else and back for the custom hooks and modules until the file causing the issue is identified.


...and went away. I didn't hear from him anymore. I put in another ticket, no one at WHMCS seems to care.


So far I've managed to locate a hook from an addon that was causing the "Restricted" message to appear. Now the client area works, but the admin is blank. I've already removed all the hooks and custom modules, to no avail.

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Ok, here's a summary of all that went wrong:


-The addon "bandwidth mailer" was causing the "Restricted message".

-The admin directory changed but the tech forgot to change the $customadminpath setting.

-There was no "templates" directory inside the admin directory, the tech had renamed it. This caused a blank page error that was impossible to troubleshoot even with display errors on, etc.


About 1h15 after this, and a few minutes after I managed to solve all this, WHMCS's tech appeared again.

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