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really slow ajax in admin front page and modern cart?


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I am noticing that the ajax features on the main whmcs admin page are taking 10 or so seconds to load and I cannot navigate anywhere else in the admin area until it loads. Once I go past that page everything loads super quick??


I also notice that if I use the modern cart with the ajax (well I think its ajax) summary once you select the domain, it is not loading properly or takes ages and in Firefox 13 the order summary is not loading at all (it is empty) and therefore I cannot click the checkout. Although it is working in Chrome but takes a little while to load and then there is a delay when I click the checkout button.?


Any ideas... do I need to speed something up on the server, am I missing a server module? the slowness certainly seems related to ajax features?


Appreciate any insight.


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The update thus far from whmcs is that "there can be a slight delay on the admin homepage due to the new graph engine in use which generates more detailed and elaborate graphs, however this wont' affect navigation between other pages of the system. You are welcome to disable any of the widgets to see if that speeds up the page rendering (Setup > Administrator Roles > Edit) or restore the old widgets from the previous version if you prefer those.


I am wondering if anyone is experiencing this and to what degree... on my homepage the delay as mentioned is up to 10 seconds, and it freezes being able to navigate anywhere else until fully loaded.


Seems a shame ot waste what looks to be such good features... Has anyone got any ideas on how to speed this up?


I did wonder whether the widgets are built with similar coding as some aspect in the Modern Cart template which are also loading very slow for me? wondered if there was a connection and something could be focus on to speed it up...


Any ideas?

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I also notice that if I use the modern cart with the ajax (well I think its ajax) summary once you select the domain, it is not loading properly or takes ages and in Firefox 13 the order summary is not loading at all (it is empty) and therefore I cannot click the checkout. Although it is working in Chrome but takes a little while to load and then there is a delay when I click the checkout button.?


Yea, I experience the same issue with Firefox. Just my order does not go through at all selected on the modern cart especially.


Please advise !!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just tried to deactivate several of the widgets from the administrators roles as per the whmcs suggestion only to find that 'income' and 'attention' bars at the top of the page never finish loading nor do the remaining couple of widgets that were left.


When I activate all the widgets again they work, after the nominal 15 seconds of wait time.


So really, it's stuffed either way.


Seems to be quite a messy thing these widgets... would have thought something this noticeable would have been tested before release. But reading through the threads there seems to be many errors int his release.

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little further... I managed to get the page to load if I did as 'wsd' suggested, by removing all the ajax type widgets from /modules/widgets/


I had to actually remove all of them because if I only removed a couple of them the rest froze and never fully loaded.


Right now the only admin page functions that are available to me are:

Open Invoices

To-do list

Recent client or admin activity

Activity log


The rest are unusable... pretty sad considering the huge amount of work that probably went into producing the widgets...

Edited by caminoz74
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Hi all,


I also find the dashboard to be slow and it tends to freeze the menus and cause delays.


Can anyone give a list of which widgets are the slow-annoying ajax ones that can be removed from the widgets folder? I removed a few and then the dashboard just half loaded and never completed..

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I just received this latest feedback from Matt at WHMCS...

"It seems that the issue here was that the loading and saving was failing when none of the graph widgets were enabled. This should now be resolved. As for how long they actually take to load, that's purely down to the server and how quickly it can serve the requests. They do seem to be a little slow on your setup but there's nothing we can do from the WHMCS side of things to alter that unfortunately."


I find this confusing as my VPS for example can spike to 2GB of ram and has a reasonably high access to 2 CPU and has a total of 3 websites on it, 1 of which is the WHMCS install. So I guess he is suggesting (by default without saying it) that whmcs on its own requires more than 2GB ram (outside of any other websites on a server) and more CPU than what I have. Which seems interesting as I have another server with the same spec and run 35 client website on it, no problem.... yet 1 installation of whmcs blows it over???


I am wondering the spec of others servers that are experiencing issues with the widgets loading???

Edited by caminoz74
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I don't think so, if you watch the XHR activity of the page it's calling AJAX requests constantly which is the reason for the freezing of the page not only on load. XHR requests have a load on the browser which causes slow downs, it's unlikely a server issue - my opinion is that it's the excessive ajax calls that seem to go every couple of seconds.


My server:

Core i7 930 - 8 CPU's @ 2.6ghz



My primary business is not hosting so the server has 20 accounts on it, server load sits below 1 most of the time.


I've shifted out a bunch of the widgets and now everything is fine, the only files left in my widgets dir are:


domainchecker.php domainprice.php domainpricing.php productpricing.php productsinfo.php

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Thanks for that insight into your situation...


[i am paraphrasing Matt]


The belief from WHMCS is that most users do not have powerful servers such as yours and are not having these kinds of issues which is why he thinks it must be something specific to the setup still, a large overhead on the database maybe? There are not a lot of ajax requests being issued by the homepage, maybe 5-10 max depending on the modules active.


Love some reports back from others to find the cause and whether its at our end or not?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have turned off all of the widgets except the following:


My Notes

Open Invoices

Recent Admin Activity

Recent Client Activity

Support Ticket Overview


With all Widgets turned off, it still never loads properly.


Once I did that, I navigated to the home page and I had to kill the page it took so long. Stop timing at the 2 minute mark. Reminding me of the ModernBill days at this point.


The system really is unusable in this state and to think I just paid to upgrade to this?


No mysql slow queires, no PHP errors, the latest ioncube installed, mysql 5.1, the server is at Rackspace and the techs there cannot find anything wrong with the server.

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Thanks for that insight into your situation...


[i am paraphrasing Matt]


The belief from WHMCS is that most users do not have powerful servers such as yours and are not having these kinds of issues which is why he thinks it must be something specific to the setup still, a large overhead on the database maybe? There are not a lot of ajax requests being issued by the homepage, maybe 5-10 max depending on the modules active.


Love some reports back from others to find the cause and whether its at our end or not?


My techs at Rackspace said that he noticed almost 10 index.php files constantly loading on the server.


@everythingweb - What folder are you referring to? I don't see any of those files in /modules/widgets


I don't think this is on our end.

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  • 2 weeks later...



We're also seeing slow loading of the admin home page with all the new widgets enabled, again WHMCS are saying it's not the software but is either the server or an addon. We have WHMCS on a pretty high specced server and until the upgrade and the new AJAX graphs never had any issues.


Now each time you access the main page the system will freeze for a few moments preventing you accessing any other options.

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What can also happen to slow things down is 3rd party addons doing license checks.

I came across one today where it had 2 problems

1) the ip had changed and the license became invalid causing a check on every page load.

2) an incorrect db setting with the case of the setting name


If anyone has the clientareahome addon installed and experiencing this slow problem please contact me so that I can check

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