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Twitter Hook


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So i have added a custom field for twitter usernames for my clients


Ive then made a hook that posts on their twitter telling them they have a support reply this is simple enough but im just wondering if their was an easier way than searching the db to get the custom fields etc.


function reply_twitter($vars) {
$consumerKey = '******';
$consumerSecret = '******';
$OAuthToken = '******';
$OAuthSecret = '******';
   $ticketid = $vars['ticketid'];
$ticket = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbltickets` WHERE `tid` ='".$vars['ticketid']."'");
	$t = mysql_fetch_array($ticket);
	if($t['userid'] > 0){
		$user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tblcustomfieldsvalues` WHERE `fieldid` = '6' AND `relid` = '".$t['userid']."'");
			$u = mysql_fetch_array($user);
			if($u['value'] != NULL || $u['value'] != ""){
				$tweet = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $OAuthToken, $OAuthSecret);
				$message = "@".$u['value']." You have a new support ticket response from @DuckHost";
				$tweet->post('statuses/update', array('status' => "$message"));
			} // end value check
		} // end user rows
	} // end userid check
} // end ticket rows
} // end function

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login through your account and setup an application as read and write :P i cant emphasis that enough i spent 20 minutes with the right code not realising i simply had the wrong setting on twitter lol


But thanks i figured i know a few people who use twitter a lot more than they check their emails so why not take advantage of that fact ive had to recode my twitter feed though so it doesnt post on our homepage "@blah You have a new support ticket response from @DuckHost" was easy enough but just worth baring in mind

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Apologises for the double post but a kinda crucial thing i just realised


Twitter dont allow double posting so it wont let you post


for instance


@client you have a new support ticket response @twitter


then post another one


@client you have a new support ticket response @twitter


which means we need a work around now at first i thought yeh just stick the ticket id in and that fixed it for one instance atleast so after that the only other option to make it unique is to stick the time in it or something similar i suppose there is always the option of some really long if statement that has a lot of different ways of saying the same thing but i just stuck the time in so here is the new one


function reply_twitter($vars) {
$consumerKey = '****';
$consumerSecret = '****';
$OAuthToken = '****';
$OAuthSecret = '****';
   $ticketid = $vars['ticketid'];
$ticket = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tbltickets` WHERE `id` ='".$vars['ticketid']."'");
	$t = mysql_fetch_array($ticket);
	if($t['userid'] > 0){
		$user = mysql_query("SELECT f.id, v.value FROM `tblcustomfields` AS f, `tblcustomfieldsvalues` AS v WHERE f.id = v.fieldid AND f.fieldname = 'Twitter' AND v.relid = '".$t['userid']."'");
			$u = mysql_fetch_array($user);
			if($u['value'] != NULL || $u['value'] != ""){					
				$tweet = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $OAuthToken, $OAuthSecret);
				$message = "@".$u['value']." you have a new support ticket response #".$t['tid']." from @DuckHost ".date("H:i");
				$tweet->post('statuses/update', array('status' => "$message"));
			} // end value check
		} // end user rows
	} // end userid check
} // end ticket rows

} // end function

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