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Feedback for Clients Contacts Feature


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Abuse Email will be used by Abuse department in any company to contact customer contact about the abusing like hosting illegal content . or for resellers mainly like they have a client that have uploaded a * page or doing spam or any illegal content..it`s very important are we building a just a feature or we are building enterprize solution

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Personally I think this might open the door for higher fraud...


Why so?


I think that if someone already has the complete billing address and email, they would probably just enter it to process the initial charge, then come back to change the info after it's been processed and setup anyway.


For us, it will avoid repeated declined charge attempts since the account info does not match the billing details for the card used. We actually do use the anti-fraud tools provided by our merchant account, and combined with the maxmind and some custom scripts, we get little fraud orders at all.


Right now with WHMCS our main issue is that billing addresses need to correspond to the credit card used. Without it, we need to turn off all verification and anti-fraud tools at our merchant processor.... which is not good!

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In a first stage I think only having another data for billing is what have to be done. In our current soft we have lots of clients with multiple hosting who need invoices to be generated with their clients data. Our client admins these accounts and are they who pass along the invoice to their client.


This billing client has nothing to do directly with our hosting, it talks everything to our direct client, so no multiple login is needed.


This would be a nice and awaited feature, i'm making the switch to whmcs and this point was really a drawback.

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Multiple contacts is only needed for us for credit card contact address, we can cope with the rest via the admin notes section.


Definitely no need for multiple logins here - in fact, I think it could complicate things a lot, unnecessarily. That's a tricky feature to add, with little benefit and can always be added later.

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Having a billing contact is crucial for EU buisnesses who operate legally


If the billing contact has login permissions or not, is not as important, but would be cool, so they don't have to bother the account admin just to print out invoices (and hopefully future proforma invoices :P )

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Just installed the update to 3.3. Thanks for the great new features and additions.

I noticed that the Send Copy of emails is included now.

This is done through the email templates.

I was hoping this would have been added to the clients profile.

By having it in the email templates it is a permanent CC field.


We still can not send to two email accounts on a clients profile.


Can we get the CC email option added to the clients profile so we can send the invoices to two address for the client? That is what I was hoping for.



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You are comparing two completely seperate and unrelated features. When the multiple client contacts support is implemented, then you'll be able to have emails go to more than one email address for a client - not before.



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Thanks Matt.

I understand, thank you for your quick response. I believe what I am looking to have implemented will be accomplished with "multiple client contacts support" when implemented.


However, My Request is actually much simpler: Can you implement two email addresses for the client profile (a CC option) so that one client profile can recieve invoices and notices to two email addresses within their company? I do not see the need for complete multiple client contact information as being a priority or even a neccesity at this time. Simply being able to send the invoices and notices to two or more email addresses on one client profile would be perfect.

I believe this would be easier than adding the "multiple client contact" field and would fix a major issue I am currently having with some of my clients.


If you are unable to implement a CC field in the current profiles sooner, when you release the "multiple client contact" feature can you be sure and include the ability to have two email destinations for the profiles (a To and Cc field). By implementing two email addresses per client profile I will not need to set up two profiles as I do not really need such a robust feature, I only need to add a second email address to the current profile.






You are comparing two completely seperate and unrelated features. When the multiple client contacts support is implemented, then you'll be able to have emails go to more than one email address for a client - not before.



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This is definetely a must. I just got done getting bitched at by accounting. We just realized that invoice are directly tied to the owner contact, so if the client changes that info and we've already printed the invoice and turned it in to the government, we will have mismatch info.


So this leads to the following question. Will we be able to fix contacts to invoices ?


I actually think the best solution is to add contact fields for invoices, so once an invoice is generated it stays in the same state it was generated in. And later if need be, and with our knowledge, be able to modify the details.


If the government finds too many mismatching invoice, they will audit the company.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Will the other contacts be able to login with just a username or will they have to use an email to login with? If they can just use a username that would be great.





Why would there method be any different than the main account? Adding a username would just be adding an unnecessary additional field.

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a few months back i have created a post asking these kind of features. couldnt agree more.


Matt, please get them done as soon as possible.

I would look at your second line in your last post lol, its read "Matt, please get them done as soon as possible." from an outsider looking in this sounds a bit demanding. Im sure Matt has quite a large list of features to add into newer versions of WHMCS but he also has a life beyond WHMCS too. Im not blowing his trumpet for him , im sure he is quite capable of doing so himself but it would be nice not to demand u know.
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A great feature that we are all waiting for. :)


Multiple contacts is must.. Some of our clients have companies with a billing department.. And we would like the invoices to be sent to the billing dep and not the owner of the company... At the same time, we want the owner to be able to login to his account at anytime using his email..

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  • 2 weeks later...
A great feature that we are all waiting for. :)


Multiple contacts is must.. Some of our clients have companies with a billing department.. And we would like the invoices to be sent to the billing dep and not the owner of the company... At the same time, we want the owner to be able to login to his account at anytime using his email..




I was wanting to know if this was still in the works. The ability to have two emails that recieve invoices and email messages is needed ASAP. Any updates on getting this feature added would be greatly appreciated.



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I would like to see this implemented. Not the multiple logins but just the additional emails / contacts as many of my clients have an accountant handling billing but when I send them a ticket about getting close on bandwidth they end up contacting my client saying "what in the heck is bandwidth?" or not even mentioning it to them at all so it would be nice to have the bills going to the accountants and all other emails directed to our main client that signed up with us.

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  • 5 weeks later...

No updates since August and we are now into November. Do you have any updates at all that you can share with us Matt?


I am no programmer and have no idea how hard this is to implement but I will ask anyway, why can't we get a "CC or BCC Email Address" on the clients Profile page that can recieve notification emails?

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