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Disable ability to Registrar Lock


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Is there a way to prevent my clients from applying the Registrar Lock or for the red banner saying they have not enabled it from coming up - mainly for .au domains


The reason is apparently when a Registrar Lock is placed on a .au domain it prevents the domain from propagating and in effect removes the domain from the net.


One of my clients locked all their domains Sunday and then all their domains and websites and emails stopped working. The registrar said it was the host and after a day escalating it further up the host said it was the registrar - the registrar said Yes the domain is locked which prevents propagation!


Here's what they said: Locking a .au domain name will cause the DNS delegation to stop working properly.


They said it is an `issue'.


So I'm guessing I have to edit a page to prevent the message coming up - which page would I edit!



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Locking a domain (even a .au) doesnt stop it propogating (although with au's it does stop _all_ amendments to it, which is often *not* what you expect to happen) - so I think you're being fed bull-droppings about the "problem" you had


the file to edit is clienareadomaindetails.tpl, i'd suggest adding

$dontshowlockstatus = array("asn.au","com.au","edu.au","org.au","net.au","id.au","co.uk","org.uk","ltd.uk","plc.uk","me.uk",".net.uk",".ac.uk",".sch.uk",".nhs.uk",".gov.uk");
$this->assign("dontshowlockstatus", $dontshowlockstatus);

{if !$tld|in_array:$dontshowlockstatus}

before the

{if $lockstatus}

and an extra closing if after the block

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